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this whole admiralty free thing

look gm's people at cryptic guys and gals this admiralty thing shouldn't be for those who already have an existing admiralty this admiralty thing and admiralty ship free claim thing should be for everyone. i've been playing store long before free to play and i have zera admiralty ships so when i see this free admiralty ships i immediately thing its for all players not just alts or those who have admiralty ships alread i think it means all of us. not wanting to be a downer or anything thats just how i feel it should be


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    seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    I think you're confused.

    The new system doesn't give anyone anything for free.. vets or new players.

    It's a system that lets you claim all your admiralty cards easily instead of having to claim and dismiss each individual ship. The system applies equally to new and veteran players.

    You could argue that it's far more of a boon to Vets because they have so many more ships to claim, but the system works for everyone.

    You're getting all huffy over nothing.
    Insert witty signature line here.
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    evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 6,950 Arc User
    It's not "free" admiralty ships, it's an automatic solution for obtaining admiralty cards of ships you've already purchased from the c-store without having to manually commission and discharge every single ship you own.
    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
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    kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    blondie987 wrote: »
    i've been playing store long before free to play and i have zera admiralty ships

    If you've been playing that long, you must have a good collection of ships - ones you got from leveling, ones you've collected during events, c-store ones, etc. Every single one of those gives you an Admiralty card. So unless you've got no ships at all, you must have some Admiralty cards.
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    davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,552 Arc User
    Also, there are 2 existing threads on this, it's rude to start your own thread just to make your comment stand out more.
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    blondie987blondie987 Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    no i don't have a collection of admiralty ships i live on a monthly fixed income so i can't even buy zen or vuy anything from the c-store
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    davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,552 Arc User
    blondie987 wrote: »
    no i don't have a collection of admiralty ships i live on a monthly fixed income so i can't even buy zen or vuy anything from the c-store

    If you have been doing events like the Winter - Anniversary - Summer, Elachi, 2 x T6 token events then you will have a few account-wide unlocked ships that give admiralty cards to each new captain that you create. If you have been ignoring those events it's never to late to start.
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    kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    edited February 2020
    I haven't spent anything on zen, either. But I've leveled up a bunch of characters, exchanged most of the Dilithium they earned for zen, and bought ships that way. Plus three free ships each year from Anniversary/Summer/Winter events. Plus the T2/3/4 ships that got given away in previous years. Etc.

    One could have lots of ships if they've played this game for years, without spending any $.

    But even if you've only got 5 or 10 ships, they still give Admiralty cards.

    edit: and there's one or two given by taking to the right NPCs on the starmap; from the Phoenix box; I think there's a couple from episodes?
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    centurian821centurian821 Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    Every playable ship in this game has an associated Admiralty Card, right down to the starter Miranda. If you don't have any Admiralty Cards then that is something to talk to Support about.
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    baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 10,487 Community Moderator
    You're clearly confused. No one got anything for free. What was implemented was a way for players to claim Admiralty cards for ships that they already own without having to commission and dismiss ships individually. /Thread
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