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TFO ideas

I'm not a game developer or programmer or anything so I have no idea how difficult it would be to implement my idea, but I'm interested to know if it's something the devs would consider, I also wonder what other players think of this idea. So here's my idea:
Scaling TFO's. I mean, make the TFO's scale according to the number of players in the queue. And make them launchable even if there are only 3 players queued. The team leader could choose to start the tfo or wait for others to join.
If that's not possible then maybe make the "Private" TFO's launchable with less than 5 players. That way we can do TFO's without needing 5 players to start it. And if the enemies scale according to the number of players it would make it winnable even if there is just 1 player. I think it would be awesome to have the ability to run a TFO alone or with just 1 or 2 other players.
We currently have a 20 player TFO (Fleet Defense) that never gets played because you have to have 20 players queued to start it. However, if it scaled according to the number of players and if we had the ability to start it with less than 20 players then maybe it would get played more often. I haven't been able to play that TFO for years now because no one wants to take the time to try and we can't see how many are queued for it. Nobody wants to sit there and wait for 19 other people to queue it up. And it is a very fun TFO, we are missing out because of the way it is now.
So is this idea possible? Thoughts?
Thanks for reading!
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