Hello, if any devs are bothering to read this forum anymore.
How would you like it if you worked hard on a project, and someone walked past your computer and looked at your screen, and managed to take the lions share of credit and rewards for it when they hadn't even TOUCHED it?
This is what the Dyson BZ is like, when player 1 captures the point solo, then player 2 runs through and claims the vast majority of the BZ credits. Apply it to your own job on your own level as above. It's the SAME EXACT THING, and I'm quite certain that if it happened in the office you would be EXTREMELY PISSED OFF about it.
First off the defera one is so riddled with bugs but it was the first one they ever did but nothing has ever been done to clean that up or make it more fun to play. Also it doesn't really offer anything for continual play like the voth BZ does which would be nice if it did get re-worked I always liked it but it always felt like they wanted us to play it but not actually enjoy it.
Then there is the kobali zombie planet where most of that one was done is so hugely thrown together with the main story that its just a get your delta and iconian dilithium item for the day and leave. I think it can be changed or re-worked to be better though they just need to instance the actual story measures of it so the map can live on after the story has been played out. Then it can be made to where it could be like where its a tug of war kind of BZ style and very very clear to what ground you and the kobali have control of and what the vadwaar have and then ends with that final boss in the little spider machine looking thing. Anyways thats how I see that one becoming useful just way too much waiting around doing nothing or too much of the story controlling things that shouldn't be tied to actual map for what players are going to come there for.
Then the voth BZ same deal lots of boring waiting going on and then that one guy who comes along and shoots something once and gets full credit for EVERYTHING. So what I would personally like to see is that these things you keep pressing F for that if you are afk near them you are going to instantly die. Since it would be a warzone to have to go through to get to these devices to take control of them. So less time capturing them and a full combat experience of getting to them so enemies running into the territory and beaming in etc. Also yeah instant death to anyone waiting near a trex to just afk for rewards that is also something useful and a time limit for being in the center command area just so every one on the map is actually playing the battlezone and not hogging up space. So basically anything you have to wait for right now with a BZ involved with pressing F or standing in a circle the F key stuff should take like 3 seconds if nothing stops you then you own that territory so its more of conquering the territories rather than waiting for some little crappy npc to run by to get killed every 3 minutes. Also being able to see people who might command a certain side of the BZ would be great too maybe add it map icons to people who have mastered certain specializations and are doing specific tasks. So when you are in the final boss phase that everyone knows where they are going and only one boss at a time is able to be attacked so its not just killed instantly by 3 different people camping the spawn spot for it and allowing people who actually did all the work to get credit for the main event.
Oh lastly the badlands and undine ones are great but it also needs removal of the waiting game and the confined spaces to capture stuff just should need your ability to get there and flip a switch without dying to capture it. That way its all challenging and not boring as it is now. That tzenkethi one is just absolutely horrible its given me some nightmares while I am awake its so bad. See its like Cryptic learned their lesson on the aspect of the past BZ's being boring and a bit less confinement but its the aspect of the projectile death storm which is also the only place to attack from too. Also that it takes way too freaking long to capture those too. I've seen maybe 2 successful final events of that BZ. So there is a middle ground that the others need to be lifted up to and the tzenkethi need to be toned down to that middle ground.
So this just my overall 2 cents on all the battlezones and how they should be fixed because they are one of the greatest types of content but they haven't gotten the attention they have needed yet.