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Cardassian Detaba Intel Escort Build

daimon97daimon97 Member Posts: 373 Arc User
edited December 2019 in The Shipyard
So I finally said goodbye to my auxbat Manasa and got myself a Cardassian Intel Escort. RN im using a full AP build but since I have the ship I was wondering to switch to a spiral wave disruptor DHC build. Any help and suggestions?
Post edited by daimon97 on


  • daimon97daimon97 Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    I also plan to buy Cardassian Keldon to get the disruptor console and switch to spiral disruptor DHC
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    Firstly, don't buy the Keldon for the console.. that console is not very good and definitely not worth buying a ship to obtain.

    I'll do my best here, but I have to admit.. I am confused. I am not sure why of all ships you went with the Cardassian Escort for an A2B build, but I'll do the best I can. Just understand that this ship will not perform as well with this build as the Manasa did, you're going to be very short on Engineering and you're going to waste one tactical station at least.

    Just for future reference, tactical heavy ships are the worst types of ships to use for A2B builds. That is why there are only a few Escorts in the game that can accomidate this type of build, the Manasa being one of them. If you wanted the 'best' escort for an A2B build, I definitely would have recommended the Andorian Kuthar, or the Fleet Sech Strike Wing Escort.

    That being said, there are a couple tweaks you can do with this build. If you're going to be swapping to Disruptors, you can work in the Secondary Shield Projector from the Synergistic Retrofiting Set. It's a good console to use on Escorts as having a secondary shield is helpful for softer ships and it also gives you a 2pc bonus with the DPRM for a 33% boost to Disruptor Damage. You can also work in the Siphon Capacitor from the Nausicaan Set.

    On your bridge officers, you have 3 Emergency Powers slotted, that doesn't work. They all share a global cooldown so one is wasted. I would remove Emergency Power to Engines III and replace it with Aux2Bat II. This will give you 2 copies of Aux2Bat to keep your cooldowns at Global.

    You have 2 attack patterns as well, one is wasted since they will be kept at global by Aux2Bat but there is nothing you can do about it. The slot being used by Attack Pattern Delta is pretty much wasted because there just isn't anything else to put here. That's the problem with so many non universal Tactical Slots in an A2B build.

    Honestly, for this ship, I would rebuild the entire thing with a Drake Build using Damage Control Engineers. Or do the easier thing and stick with the Manasa. This is not a great choice for an A2B build, it does not really accomidate this type of build we're just kind of 'making it work.'

    Best of luck to you.

    Insert witty signature line here.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    edited December 2019
    On another note, if you're looking for a new ship to run a Disruptor Build, I'll offer a couple suggestions.

    If you want a ship you can buy for EC that's cheap and strong, I recommend the highly under rated Tzenkethi Rhas'Bej Battlecruiser. It's not an escort, it's a big ship, but it's insanely nimble. It has a 10 turn rate, which with the competitive engines is more then enough, but the kicker.. it has Miracle Worker seating and a 70 Inertia Rating! That's better them most escorts, it stops on a dime, it's an incredibly easy ship to stop, park and fire and then resume full throttle. I have been really impressed with it, and it's cheap as heck. I picked mine up for under 300M and it's fantastic.

    Here is my sample build for the Rhas'Bej running disruptors. I am running this on one of my KDF Alts and I really like it. It's not the DPS champ, but it's still very capable and can't be beat for the price.

    From the C-Store, the Andorian for Fed or the Sech for KDF are good choices for escorts.

    I don't have the Sech currently, but I do have it's fed counterpart (Earhart) which is exactly the same. This is my Phaser Build for the Earhart, it can be easily converted to Disruptor. This character doesn't have a Dynamic Power Redistributor Module, so just use that instead of the Quantum Console and the Shield Projector instead of the Timeline Stabilizer. If you're going Cannons instead of dual beams, change Attack Pattern Beta III to Cannons: Scatter Volley III and change Beam: Fire At Will III to Attack Pattern Beta II and you're all set. If you don't have the improved Tachyon Beam trait, change the Tachyon Beam to Polarize Hull to keep you moving. Also swap out Redirecting Arrays trait for Withering Barrage and Superior Beam Training for Superior Cannon Training.

    For the Andorian Kuthar, you would use something like this. Again, this is my Phaser Build but it's exactly the same for Disruptor, same consoles and everything.

    The Andorian ship is Fed only though, I think you're doing this for KDF.

    Either of these ships are better options if you want to run an Aux to Bat build. If you need an example build of a Drake build for the Detapa, let me know and I'll draw one up.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • sennahcheribsennahcherib Member Posts: 2,823 Arc User
    The Andorian ship is Fed only though, I think you're doing this for KDF.

    kdf have the lethean ships which are in the same bundle than the andorian ships. :)

    @Sea, i have 2 questions :p

    why did you put skill points for your shield?

    why do you use tachyon beam?
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    edited December 2019

    @Sea, i have 2 questions :p

    why did you put skill points for your shield?

    why do you use tachyon beam?

    I put skill points into shields because it helps with basically everything except Borg. I don't put much into it, just enough to give me a little extra capacity and a couple points of hardness which does help quite a bit.

    As for Tachyon Beam.. on this ship it's a 'for fun' thing.. it's there to proc the trait Improved Tacyon Beam which is a nice trait to help heal not only your own shields, but your entire team. It's really nice in a front facing build because you can fire it when you park and they start beating on your front shields. It's mostly there for flavor so it has something different from my other straight DPS builds.

    If this isn't your thing, you can replace the Tacyon Beam with something like Polarize Hull to help with mobility and replace the trait with something better like Improved Critical Systems.. that's the more 'pure DPS way.'

    The build is really fun with the Tachyon Beam though, it has a short cool down, heals the entire team and procs the competitive engines. Good times! :smiley:
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • sennahcheribsennahcherib Member Posts: 2,823 Arc User
    ok, thx. i'm going to take a look at this skill, that I have never used :p
  • daimon97daimon97 Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited December 2019
    Firstly, don't buy the Keldon for the console.. that console is not very good and definitely not worth buying a ship to obtain.

    I'll do my best here, but I have to admit.. I am confused. I am not sure why of all ships you went with the Cardassian Escort for an A2B build, but I'll do the best I can. Just understand that this ship will not perform as well with this build as the Manasa did, you're going to be very short on Engineering and you're going to waste one tactical station at least.

    Just for future reference, tactical heavy ships are the worst types of ships to use for A2B builds. That is why there are only a few Escorts in the game that can accomidate this type of build, the Manasa being one of them. If you wanted the 'best' escort for an A2B build, I definitely would have recommended the Andorian Kuthar, or the Fleet Sech Strike Wing Escort.

    That being said, there are a couple tweaks you can do with this build. If you're going to be swapping to Disruptors, you can work in the Secondary Shield Projector from the Synergistic Retrofiting Set. It's a good console to use on Escorts as having a secondary shield is helpful for softer ships and it also gives you a 2pc bonus with the DPRM for a 33% boost to Disruptor Damage. You can also work in the Siphon Capacitor from the Nausicaan Set.

    On your bridge officers, you have 3 Emergency Powers slotted, that doesn't work. They all share a global cooldown so one is wasted. I would remove Emergency Power to Engines III and replace it with Aux2Bat II. This will give you 2 copies of Aux2Bat to keep your cooldowns at Global.

    You have 2 attack patterns as well, one is wasted since they will be kept at global by Aux2Bat but there is nothing you can do about it. The slot being used by Attack Pattern Delta is pretty much wasted because there just isn't anything else to put here. That's the problem with so many non universal Tactical Slots in an A2B build.

    Honestly, for this ship, I would rebuild the entire thing with a Drake Build using Damage Control Engineers. Or do the easier thing and stick with the Manasa. This is not a great choice for an A2B build, it does not really accomidate this type of build we're just kind of 'making it work.'

    Best of luck to you.

    So I will adjust my ship to have a Drake build rather than aux2bat then can you give me a few hints on a proper drake build with damage control engineers? Also I also wanted to use the console since it gives passive disruptor damage. Im sticking with Cardassian Intel Escort because it handles much better than Manasa for me. Better hull, better Boff setup. Also I read somwhere that having 5 epic Vulnerability Locators is not ideal since after a while Crit Chance just gets stuck around 20 or 30 something. Should I replace 1 locator with exploiter? or nah
    Post edited by daimon97 on
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    edited December 2019
    daimon97 wrote: »
    Firstly, don't buy the Keldon for the console.. that console is not very good and definitely not worth buying a ship to obtain.

    I'll do my best here, but I have to admit.. I am confused. I am not sure why of all ships you went with the Cardassian Escort for an A2B build, but I'll do the best I can. Just understand that this ship will not perform as well with this build as the Manasa did, you're going to be very short on Engineering and you're going to waste one tactical station at least.

    Just for future reference, tactical heavy ships are the worst types of ships to use for A2B builds. That is why there are only a few Escorts in the game that can accomidate this type of build, the Manasa being one of them. If you wanted the 'best' escort for an A2B build, I definitely would have recommended the Andorian Kuthar, or the Fleet Sech Strike Wing Escort.

    That being said, there are a couple tweaks you can do with this build. If you're going to be swapping to Disruptors, you can work in the Secondary Shield Projector from the Synergistic Retrofiting Set. It's a good console to use on Escorts as having a secondary shield is helpful for softer ships and it also gives you a 2pc bonus with the DPRM for a 33% boost to Disruptor Damage. You can also work in the Siphon Capacitor from the Nausicaan Set.

    On your bridge officers, you have 3 Emergency Powers slotted, that doesn't work. They all share a global cooldown so one is wasted. I would remove Emergency Power to Engines III and replace it with Aux2Bat II. This will give you 2 copies of Aux2Bat to keep your cooldowns at Global.

    You have 2 attack patterns as well, one is wasted since they will be kept at global by Aux2Bat but there is nothing you can do about it. The slot being used by Attack Pattern Delta is pretty much wasted because there just isn't anything else to put here. That's the problem with so many non universal Tactical Slots in an A2B build.

    Honestly, for this ship, I would rebuild the entire thing with a Drake Build using Damage Control Engineers. Or do the easier thing and stick with the Manasa. This is not a great choice for an A2B build, it does not really accomidate this type of build we're just kind of 'making it work.'

    Best of luck to you.

    So I will adjust my ship to have a Drake build rather than aux2bat then can you give me a few hints on a proper drake build with damage control engineers? Also I also wanted to use the console since it gives passive disruptor damage. Im sticking with Cardassian Intel Escort because it handles much better than Manasa for me. Better hull, better Boff setup.

    If you wanted to go Drake, you would just change your bridge officer powers and swap the technicians for Damage Control Engineers. Something like this as an example. Not having A2B means you have to double up for your cooldowns. You will need to use something like All Hands on Deck to provide your Science cooldowns. Also maybe throw in a Conn Officer for your Tac team.. or remove OSS and double that up.

    As for the Locators, I am not familiar with the theory of diminished returns on the Critical Chance, I use 5 locators on my Escort Builds. My guess is that in order to get your chance that high without locators you would have to have a lot of other things upping your Critical Hit including the maxed out 7.5% from the Endeavor System. You're probably better off sticking with locators, but I would have to research that more.. I haven't been keeping up as much as I used to.

    It's probably easier to just stick with the A2B build using the proposed changes if you like the ship that much. Even if a ship isn't 'optimal,' if it's more fun for you.. then by all means go with it. I would just try the A2B with the proposed changes and see how it feels for you before rebuilding it.

    In the end, it's not always about what ship is 'best,' it's about what ship is 'best for you.' :wink:
    Post edited by seaofsorrows on
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  • daimon97daimon97 Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited December 2019
    Ill admit I do have a weakspot for weapon consoles it started with Elachi Crescent Wave Cannon Barrage lol. And since they added passive damage boost I just couldnt say no to the spiral disruptor lance console lol
  • daimon97daimon97 Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    And lastly is the preparadness Trait that gives one of 4 random buffs worth it from Depaba Escort?
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    daimon97 wrote: »
    And lastly is the preparadness Trait that gives one of 4 random buffs worth it from Depaba Escort?

    I have never used it, but it doesn't look too bad. I personally don't like the random factor, but that's just me.

    It seems like a beneficial trait, rather or not it's 'worth it' really just depends on what other traits you have and what you're removing to fit it in.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,607 Arc User
    Tachyon Beam is still my go-to science power for leveling new science chars.
    Early game beam of death with a matching secondary deflector and some investment in drain expertise.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • foxrockssocksfoxrockssocks Member Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited December 2019
    Sea mentions nothing else to put in the APD slot and that isn't really true. There is the new power from the winter event which you could put at rank 3 there, or maybe rank 3 kemocite and rank 1 of the new power.

    You could also put your CRF there and use something like overload subsystem safeties 3 where it was, because your tac commander is an intel slot. You'd just need to replace one of your emergency powers with an engineering team, which you should do anyway and watch that annoying power countdown like a hawk.

    Of course if you're going with a totally different build, then there isn't much reason to care.

    Also I don't know how valuable it would be to your DPS, net gain or loss, but look at the two piece undine rep set, the turret and the hydrodynamic compensator console. The set bonus is 7.5% bonus damage which may be worth the console slot, and save you a bunch of dil on a second spiral wave turret to instead get the rep turret.
    Post edited by foxrockssocks on
  • daimon97daimon97 Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    Sea mentions nothing else to put in the APD slot and that isn't really true. There is the new power from the winter event which you could put at rank 3 there, or maybe rank 3 kemocite and rank 1 of the new power.

    You could also put your CRF there and use something like overload subsystem safeties 3 where it was, because your tac commander is an intel slot. You'd just need to replace one of your emergency powers with an engineering team, which you should do anyway and watch that annoying power countdown like a hawk.

    Of course if you're going with a totally different build, then there isn't much reason to care.

    Also I don't know how valuable it would be to your DPS, net gain or loss, but look at the two piece undine rep set, the turret and the hydrodynamic compensator console. The set bonus is 7.5% bonus damage which may be worth the console slot, and save you a bunch of dil on a second spiral wave turret to instead get the rep turret.

    I have that boff power called best served called which does cold damage are u talking about that?
  • daimon97daimon97 Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    Hmmm since i cannot get Thrai warbird for secondary shield I plan to get Console - Universal - Disruption Pulse Emitter for the set disruptor bonus to use it along with dynamic power redistributor. Yay for that 33 disruptor bonus
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    daimon97 wrote: »
    Hmmm since i cannot get Thrai warbird for secondary shield I plan to get Console - Universal - Disruption Pulse Emitter for the set disruptor bonus to use it along with dynamic power redistributor. Yay for that 33 disruptor bonus

    Oh right.. you're a Romulan.. I forgot!

    Yeah, that makes the Secondary Shield Projector way too expensive. I recommend the Point Defense Bombardment Warhead console. I know you don't use Torpedoes, but it should be cheap and it does boost your critical chance by another 1% along with the 2pc set bonus. The Disruption pulse doesn't really do anything for you outside the set bonus.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • daimon97daimon97 Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    daimon97 wrote: »
    Hmmm since i cannot get Thrai warbird for secondary shield I plan to get Console - Universal - Disruption Pulse Emitter for the set disruptor bonus to use it along with dynamic power redistributor. Yay for that 33 disruptor bonus

    Oh right.. you're a Romulan.. I forgot!

    Yeah, that makes the Secondary Shield Projector way too expensive. I recommend the Point Defense Bombardment Warhead console. I know you don't use Torpedoes, but it should be cheap and it does boost your critical chance by another 1% along with the 2pc set bonus. The Disruption pulse doesn't really do anything for you outside the set bonus.

    Okay thanks a lot. I guess I need to use LOBI lol
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    daimon97 wrote: »
    daimon97 wrote: »
    Hmmm since i cannot get Thrai warbird for secondary shield I plan to get Console - Universal - Disruption Pulse Emitter for the set disruptor bonus to use it along with dynamic power redistributor. Yay for that 33 disruptor bonus

    Oh right.. you're a Romulan.. I forgot!

    Yeah, that makes the Secondary Shield Projector way too expensive. I recommend the Point Defense Bombardment Warhead console. I know you don't use Torpedoes, but it should be cheap and it does boost your critical chance by another 1% along with the 2pc set bonus. The Disruption pulse doesn't really do anything for you outside the set bonus.

    Okay thanks a lot. I guess I need to use LOBI lol

    That or you can just buy the console from the exchange. The console comes from the Cross-Faction Bundle - NX Escort Refit Equipment box which is tradable and should be available for EC.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • daimon97daimon97 Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    daimon97 wrote: »
    daimon97 wrote: »
    Hmmm since i cannot get Thrai warbird for secondary shield I plan to get Console - Universal - Disruption Pulse Emitter for the set disruptor bonus to use it along with dynamic power redistributor. Yay for that 33 disruptor bonus

    Oh right.. you're a Romulan.. I forgot!

    Yeah, that makes the Secondary Shield Projector way too expensive. I recommend the Point Defense Bombardment Warhead console. I know you don't use Torpedoes, but it should be cheap and it does boost your critical chance by another 1% along with the 2pc set bonus. The Disruption pulse doesn't really do anything for you outside the set bonus.

    Okay thanks a lot. I guess I need to use LOBI lol

    That or you can just buy the console from the exchange. The console comes from the Cross-Faction Bundle - NX Escort Refit Equipment box which is tradable and should be available for EC.

    Sweet. I also decided to go for the Nausicaan torp for the set bonus. I will be dropping 1 DHC and go 4 Spiral Wave DHC and 1 Nausican torp. 4 Vulnerability Locators, Undine Turret and undine tac console for disruptor boost. Nausican 2 piece set for more disruptor Boost. Also shud I go for weapons with Crtdx4 or Dmgx4? My Crit chance is around %40 and Crit severity is around 120%. Its still very annoying since Nausican Set wont help a cannon build since it needs a beam to get the 26+ disruptor boost...ugh...
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    daimon97 wrote: »
    daimon97 wrote: »
    daimon97 wrote: »
    Hmmm since i cannot get Thrai warbird for secondary shield I plan to get Console - Universal - Disruption Pulse Emitter for the set disruptor bonus to use it along with dynamic power redistributor. Yay for that 33 disruptor bonus

    Oh right.. you're a Romulan.. I forgot!

    Yeah, that makes the Secondary Shield Projector way too expensive. I recommend the Point Defense Bombardment Warhead console. I know you don't use Torpedoes, but it should be cheap and it does boost your critical chance by another 1% along with the 2pc set bonus. The Disruption pulse doesn't really do anything for you outside the set bonus.

    Okay thanks a lot. I guess I need to use LOBI lol

    That or you can just buy the console from the exchange. The console comes from the Cross-Faction Bundle - NX Escort Refit Equipment box which is tradable and should be available for EC.

    Sweet. I also decided to go for the Nausicaan torp for the set bonus. I will be dropping 1 DHC and go 4 Spiral Wave DHC and 1 Nausican torp. 4 Vulnerability Locators, Undine Turret and undine tac console for disruptor boost. Nausican 2 piece set for more disruptor Boost. Also shud I go for weapons with Crtdx4 or Dmgx4? My Crit chance is around %40 and Crit severity is around 120%. Its still very annoying since Nausican Set wont help a cannon build since it needs a beam ugh...

    Sounds good, should be a nice build. :smile:

    There really won't be much difference between CrtD and DMG, but my understanding was that for Tactical Officers DMG has a very very slight advantage. Either one is an excellent choice though.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • daimon97daimon97 Member Posts: 373 Arc User

    daimon97 wrote: »
    daimon97 wrote: »
    daimon97 wrote: »
    Hmmm since i cannot get Thrai warbird for secondary shield I plan to get Console - Universal - Disruption Pulse Emitter for the set disruptor bonus to use it along with dynamic power redistributor. Yay for that 33 disruptor bonus

    Oh right.. you're a Romulan.. I forgot!

    Yeah, that makes the Secondary Shield Projector way too expensive. I recommend the Point Defense Bombardment Warhead console. I know you don't use Torpedoes, but it should be cheap and it does boost your critical chance by another 1% along with the 2pc set bonus. The Disruption pulse doesn't really do anything for you outside the set bonus.

    Okay thanks a lot. I guess I need to use LOBI lol

    That or you can just buy the console from the exchange. The console comes from the Cross-Faction Bundle - NX Escort Refit Equipment box which is tradable and should be available for EC.

    Sweet. I also decided to go for the Nausicaan torp for the set bonus. I will be dropping 1 DHC and go 4 Spiral Wave DHC and 1 Nausican torp. 4 Vulnerability Locators, Undine Turret and undine tac console for disruptor boost. Nausican 2 piece set for more disruptor Boost. Also shud I go for weapons with Crtdx4 or Dmgx4? My Crit chance is around %40 and Crit severity is around 120%. Its still very annoying since Nausican Set wont help a cannon build since it needs a beam ugh...

    Sounds good, should be a nice build. :smile:

    There really won't be much difference between CrtD and DMG, but my understanding was that for Tactical Officers DMG has a very very slight advantage. Either one is an excellent choice though.

    Alrighty damage it is then thanks! We shud do PVE sometime!
  • daimon97daimon97 Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    Thanks for all the helps
    Post edited by daimon97 on
  • daimon97daimon97 Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    I just realized the Elachi 2 piece torp and bioneural infusion circuits gives 9.5+ disruptor boost as well. I wish it had a turret instead of a torp lol
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