Lets say it's an engineering ship (the tanky ones)
Lets say all phasers (don't worry about which grade, obviously I will get as high as I can) in every weapon port
Lets say all consols are +phaser damage (don't worry about which ones, again , I will get as high as I can)
What's wrong with this ship ?
Edit: Seeing your other threads, it seems you're looking for more meta advice than specific help, in which case: It usually comes down to Bridge Officer (BOff) Abilities and activating them. Train up the highest weapon enhancing ability you can fit for your weapons, Beams: Fire At Will III or Beams: Overload III for beam weapons (You'll need to buy off the Exchange), next the highest Attack Pattern Beta you can slot without bumping weapon enhancer down, usually just rank I on most cruisers, and slot Tactical Team I on preferably two BOffs. Next up train Emergency Power to Weapons III (another exchange purchase) to your Commander Engineer (virtually all cruisers have or can slot one). Most important lesson is that you can fire off a bunch of things in a row, so when coming into combat range, hit Tactical Team, Emergency Power to Weapons, Fire at Will or Beam Overload, and finally Attack Pattern: Beta, then hit spacebar or right trigger and you'll see a decent spike in performance.
After that, it comes down to positioning (where you need to be and how to face an enemy [sideways for a beam cruiser usually, versus face on for cannon ship]) and how to get it to where you can use your abilities more often.
What's wrong is up for you to define; we can help you make it 'right' once we know what you find lacking. (too squishy? doesn't hit hard enough?, etc.)