Hello captains, rookies and jelly things,
today I received a promo code
but I find no way to actually activate it. No "activate code here" button on the website
and nothing in the ingame menus either.
After searching a bit I found the FAQ where it states
that I should click a cogwheel thing in the launcher.
but - there is no such thing?
see screenshot:
where is my error?
yours sincerely
@moderation team: if this thread is in the wrong section, please be so kind and move it, I was not sure where to put it.
Its tricky, arc doesn't make it easy and you have to go out of your way to find if if you don't know about it. My guess is do to them wanting people to use arc client to redeem but there is a website version to redeem of course I went to neverwinter forums and went to this thread to get the redeem link as that was quickest method https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/490059/neverwinter-list-of-promotions-amp-giveaways/p1 after I saw the promo code for kdf ferengi and tier one ship. So for the future just go to the neverwinter forums and then to guides then find the giveaway thread. Then you can find it or maybe even write down or copy and paste the link so you don't lose it as it is annoying to get ahold of you know what I'm going to follow my own advice here and do just that. Alright copied that link to a notepad and now I don't even have to go to the Neverwinter thread to find the arc redeem. *Shrugs and you welcome by the way*
very much appreciated!
I wonder why I didn't find the link through my account on the webpage...
That is because there is no option to find it unless you know about the link or if its posted somewhere I edited my post above to explain where I got the redeem link from. Since I know it was posted there before I had to use google to find it. But since I knew that neverwinter forums thread had the link I just went there this time. I do know the arc client ui if you have arc has the redeem thing built in. But not everyone uses arc. I only have arc to get that khan outfit If I'm wanting to use it. But I use steam to play the game not arc. So the only time I will launch arc is for the outfit. I think this is why they don't make it easy to find so they can have people use arc for the redeem. But you don't need arc for the redeem. Just need that link.
Your welcome, I'm happy to have helped.
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