I noticed that the accolades in-game look like medals, yet you can't wear them. What would be useful, not only for those who like character creation but also as incentive for you to go out and get accolades, would be a new expandable interface above badges in the tailor. It could have 5-10 slots, each reflective of a different slot on your uniform's chest, and when you clicked on the slot it would take you to the accolade screen. From there, you could select one and it would show up on your uniform, adjacent from your badge\insignia.
Currently accolades only get you points and, occasionaly, +2% stat buffs. This would make most of the others worth the effort of grinding for them.
On a more money-making side, if Cryptic need more convincing, they could monetize the accolade system by selling extra accolade slots. That may make them more inclined to add the feature to the game.