the 26c dreads are very expensive promo ships, boasting 8 weapons and 2 hangar bays as well as dhc, a previously unique combination.
now there are flight deck cruisers with 8 weapons, 2 hangar bays as well as dhc.
the 26c dread should be buffed, right now there's no reason to fly one over the flight deck cruisers or miracle worker flight deck cruisers especially, which are ships from 200 years in the past out-stripping ships from 200 years in the future in terms of consoles, firepower etc.
this should be changed to at least make the 26c ships worth getting for some reason over the miracle worker flight deck cruisers.
yeah i agree cruisers and carriers should remain as worse version of fdc
Overall game balance will always win over any reason any of us come up with why a certain ship should be 'more powerful.'
What more you want?