There must be one Reputation that does not offer a Fleet Ship Module project.
I have completed six tier 6 Rep lines and have four Fleet Ship Modules from these projects and one more underway, but there are no more listed in the six Rep lines I have completed. This means one is missing. Since I haven't purchased a fleet ship before and the modules are character bound, I could not have given one to an alt.
Star Citizen: Pay-2-Win? HONG KONG! *
* With purchase of another Hong Kong of equal or greater value.
I am KDF. The Reps I have completed Tier 6 are:
The project for Competitive is there. I have not done it yet. I have four Fleet Ship Modules. The other five Reps have no project because four have been completed. I don't recall which ones I got the modules from, but that's 4 of 5.
I do not have inventory overflow, it isn't full. It is not in my bank because my bank is full and the four in my inventory will not go to the bank when I double-click them. Otherwise they would stack and go into bank.
Now I must try to look at all my ships to be certain I didn't buy a fleet ship and forget about it. I know I bought one with an alt but you can't transfer the modules so that alt got its own.
I wish projects completed in the Rep would remain but leave a thin red "X" across the project so you could tell it was already completed, especially for the vanity shields. What's the point of leaving those since you don't need more than one and they can't be transferred? It would be easy to forget you'd done them and waste Rep marks doing them again. I have about 20 captains so it's hard to keep track.
I have checked and I do not own any fleet ships.
Have you accidentally destroyed or sold one to a vendor? This seems the most likely scenario.