I'm a soon to be returning pc player. I left the game just before experimental weapons were introduced, and have been watching gameplay videos on youtube to try to catch up. In these videos I've noticed a weapon that seems to fire 6-ish smallish red shells from the aft that then travel forward. I don't believe they're torpedoes as the trajectory is far outside that of any torpedo I've seen. Might be a console? Does this sound familiar to anyone?
It can be seen here just after the 2:26 mark.
Not an experimental Weapon..Funny bug tho.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Only the project Terran Weapons look like that, as the regular Withering Heavy Disruptors you get as drops from the daily/hourly and Store are smaller. Cannon: Scatter Volley also got it's arc increased to either side of the primary target some time back, which is some of the oddness you're seeing being used to the older limits. The 'sweep' when targets move quickly has been around for quite some time, though more common lately, particularly if you left before cannons came back into favor. The "big booms" are https://sto.gamepedia.com/Ability:_Kemocite-Laced_Weaponry procs.
What Fancy science console? Embassy Plasma Explosion Consoles? Yea those got nerfed a while ago.. No reason to run that stuff unless your on sci ship now. Many players are focusing on Boosting Phaser, Disruptor or Polaron weapon damage and/or going full into Critical hit and Severity 30+ Hit and 220+ severity passives
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
My D4X though, will be getting a PVP oriented overhaul. Not something I'm great at in STO, but I like that those builds get really weird. Again there, theory crafting is as much fun as actually flying the mean little buggers.