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It is time to make changes in Star Trek Online

mothmicromothmicro Member Posts: 25 Arc User
Hello Cryptic /Perfect World,

It's time to make changes to the game to prevent more and more players from leaving.

intergrate a testmap, queue for DPS enthusiasts like me, with a testdummy where people can test their damage, crit change, crit severity, accuracy overflow and abilities... (A Cube that is not shooting back as example) you can guys can do that, we can actually start Khitomer Vortex and shoot hours on the Gate to test... But we need 5 Players to start this queue

integrate more STFs, upgrade existing STFs, give Infected: The Conduit, Khitomer Vortex, Cure Found a Elite difficulty, bring back STF´s like Terradome on ground.

Bring out a Chart for enemy ships in STF´s like in Hive Onslaught, which resistances they have, how much much defense, how much resistances against Control and Disable Abilities. ... ..

The Missions are good, but we need more STFs and upgraded STFs since years, you guys want to make money, i understand, but how you want to make money when people leaving the game? You guys need to invest something into the Game for People who playing this game since years. I know and have much people in my friendlist that dont play this game anymore and some people who only log in 1 - 2 times in the week.

I Know you guys cut much over the years to save some server resources, but thats not the way the Game is about to survive.

Take yourself a heart and finally do something, It does not have to be much, but the points I counted would be a damn good start.



  • sthe91sthe91 Member Posts: 6,221 Arc User
    edited July 2019
    1. I like your first suggestion.
    2. The idea of integrating more STFs I could see happening some time, they are already upgrading existing STFs as detailed in the patch notes, they soon might give those STFs an Elite difficulty, it would be nice if they brought back Terradome as well as the original Kobayashi Maru with revamps but not the event as the No Win Scenario.
    3. We already have new STFs and they still need to add an indicator of how many people have queued for an STF instead of the new system where you have no such indicator whatsoever, they should bring back that functionality from the previous system. As I said they are upgrading STFs.

    Finally, they are doing something.
    Where there is a Will, there is a Way.
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