Yes people can say - make a new toon - But im sure there are many out there like me that would be so happy with this feature, I have accolades and time invested in said toons and I would love a "one time change of race", be it C-store for 1000 zen, I would happily pay you.
But my question is given everything else including inventory is able to change. Offer a clone program create a new toon of the desired race and lock that in place then pay for a copy from the desired race change toon.
You would in the course of this have the cloned. And the original would be removed from your account. it would need a small window of time the database copy of said toon will be kept in case of a mistake or item inventory trait skills loss and so on with the clone.
The end result would be you get a race change keep all your items and cryptic makes money in this as i am sure plenty would pay for this including me. Cryptic would need to decide the price that would be needed to have a persons time taken to have it cloned on the back end and charge 2 or 3 times said price.
Needless to say the copy toon would be removed the instant a copy request was placed locking inventory and preventing you from taking items to make duplicates of ships, reward packs ect.
I am sure the reality of this ideal is it will not happen any time soon if ever but i feel the need to toss the ideal out there.
Obviously, I'd like that option, but I'd settle for making a new character and having all my Bound to Character stuff transferred to that new toon. Having a bunch of expensive lockbox/lobi ships really makes the idea of abandoning a toon for another nearly impossible to contimplate. Glad my main is an Alien. I can pretty much make it look like anything.
there's so many connection points between "race" and other things in the character database, each which is a potential point for a gamebreaking bug should they try to mess with those, that it's simply not practical for Cryptic to try to give us a race change or so they've explained things.