Please Mr. DEV, consider the flowing enhancements to the Ker'rat Space War Zone.
Since the majority of Federation Starships (and some Rom-KDF) don’t have cloak, I would like to recommend that the DEVs enhance the current map with a Safe and/or Neutral Zone, similar to the small area at the start of the Undine Space Battle Zone. An area where no damage can be done and both factions can access.
Enhance the map’s current HUD Map to show all (uncloaked) starships anywhere on the map, not just within 20-30km of the player's position. This is necessary due to the map’s large size and the PvP space battles occurring either very far up or very far down, and in the farthest corners of the map. Unless you are teamed, a player re-spawning or entering the map will not be able to locate the battle and/or friends.
As an inducement for players to complete the mission objectives I propose the that faction who completes the mission objectives first get the Borg as allies until the map resets.