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Klingon's need some updated loving too

bos142bos142 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
I don't know how some of you feel but i think that with the end of the federation/Klingon war and the mutual exchange between the two, that some things need to be updated to make it a level playing field. For starters, it would be really nice and convenient if the Klingon's have the same ability to trans-warp directly to DS9 like the Feds do, after all the war is over and they have offices there. Secondly it would be nice if the Klingon's had orbital space station over Qonos like the Feds have ESD. I mean its kind of stupid to have to been down to First City just so you can transfer to the Station. Also it would be nice to have some added Klingon based story line stuff from time too time such as feuds between the houses or special story line with the for or with the emperor etc.... Just some easy adds would be nice.


  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    bos142 wrote: »
    I don't know how some of you feel but i think that with the end of the federation/Klingon war and the mutual exchange between the two, that some things need to be updated to make it a level playing field. For starters, it would be really nice and convenient if the Klingon's have the same ability to trans-warp directly to DS9 like the Feds do, after all the war is over and they have offices there. Secondly it would be nice if the Klingon's had orbital space station over Qonos like the Feds have ESD.

    Actually, the Q'onos ship yard is represented in orbit, and if you fly there and beam over, you land in the ship yard, not First City!

    I am not entirely certain, but I believe there might be a way to unlock DS9 as Transwarp destination for Klingons. Might require being part of a fleet with sufficient holdings?
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  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,008 Arc User
    I think that Klingons get the DS9 transwarp just like feds, by completing T4 Marauding (Diplo) via DOFFing. Leveling Marauding is a lot more convenient than Diplomacy even, since a lot more Marauding missions are available and they reward contraband which, despite being nerfed, can still be exchanged for dil or sold on the excjange for a bit of EC (less than it used to though)
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  • spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,392 Arc User
    Faction specific storylines are a thing of the past (with the exception of starting experiences/storylines), none of the factions have them not even the Discovery faction has unique content dispite their storyline happening the 2250s (it's avaible to other captains as "holographic simulations".

    So if a faction whose storyline happens more then 150 years (DSC storyline is about 2255 while current year in STO is 2410 or 2411) in the past doesn't get unique storyline, it's highly unlikely that a modern faction would.

    And while I think Qu'nos/First City could use a rewamp as it was said you can fly to the spacedock to beam in directly there without going to First City.
  • dojihajimedojihajime Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    bos142 wrote: »
    I don't know how some of you feel but i think that with the end of the federation/Klingon war and the mutual exchange between the two, that some things need to be updated to make it a level playing field. For starters, it would be really nice and convenient if the Klingon's have the same ability to trans-warp directly to DS9 like the Feds do, after all the war is over and they have offices there. Secondly it would be nice if the Klingon's had orbital space station over Qonos like the Feds have ESD.

    Actually, the Q'onos ship yard is represented in orbit, and if you fly there and beam over, you land in the ship yard, not First City!

    I am not entirely certain, but I believe there might be a way to unlock DS9 as Transwarp destination for Klingons. Might require being part of a fleet with sufficient holdings?

    I didn't know this.
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  • borg0vermindborg0vermind Member Posts: 498 Arc User
    Whay Klingons need is an unique playable character type like feds have temp agent and disco.
  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,814 Community Moderator
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