First we got Peril Over Pahvo, a re-skinned version of Dranuur Gauntlet (though it was arguably less irritating than the original). Next, we're getting Riposte, which sounds suspiciously like Gateway To Gre'thor. Is boring people away from the game REALLY your aim, here? Doing the same TFs ad nauseum was already a problem, here. Compounding it like this is not an improvement.
I personally liked as a ground queue Pahvo Dissension, and for space, Battle of the Binary Stars.
Unless there are suspicious "Ion Storm" patches that apppear in the flight path of the ships and you need to counter them. (With 23rd century tech?)
However, if it's a "historical mission", it will be a reskinning TFO, e.g. you'll get a Age of Discovery ship skin applied and don't get to see your own space barbie.
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