With the launch of Age of Discovery, previous story arcs, such as Specters and The 2800, have been removed from the main campaign and made into side missions. I personally think they should be returned, but if they don't want to return them to every character's campaign, perhaps they could be given to specific characters instead? For example, the Wasteland missions were removed for everyone but the Romulan players because the story works for the Romulan arc. So could the others also be divvied up between characters?
Spectres would make for a great TOS Starfleet story arc because it involves time travel, specifically time travel to the 23rd-century where our player came from. They are temporal agents after all. Not only this, but Scotty actually mentions this encounter at least twice in the TOS Starfleet's campaign, so Spectres makes perfect sense for that character.
The 2800 arc could technically go to just about anyone since it involves representatives from almost every faction discussing the Borg threat, however the 2409 Starfleet character is the one who actually battles the Borg in their tutorial. So it would make sense, IMO, if the 2800 arc was added to their campaign. It would also makes sense for the introduction of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-F to take place in a Starfleet campaign.
Like the 2800 the Cold War story arc could go to almost anyone, but since the Breen and the Klingon Empire have a history of being enemies and the Breen do invade Klingon space and assault Emperor Kahless' flagship in their mission "Destiny", it would make sense that it's the Klingon Empire who pushes back against the Breen and defends the Deferi from their assaults.
There are a handful of other missions which were also removed from the game entirely for some reason. Not all of those need to be returned, but at least three of them deserve to be put somewhere in the game. “The Kuvah'Magh”, “City on the Edge of Never” and “Past Imperfect” were, IMO, really interesting missions to play and I'm not sure why they were taken out. Since these are more time travel missions heavily involving the 23rd-century, perhaps they could be added to the TOS Starfleet character with Spectres? They could be added to the TOS Starfleet's Klingon War arc after "The Doomsday Device".