Hi, something I've wanted for absolutely ages was a removal of the uniform list restrictions on clothing acquired through reputation/lobi/reward packs. currently with quite a few of those lets say the delta rep uniform for example, you can select it through the uniform drop down but then you are utterly restricted to only using pieces from that set, which yes that makes it easier to find it all so that element should stay for quality of life's sake, but why not make all those pieces available to mix and match with the other pieces of uniform, say I like the chest piece but want to wear it with the herald legs and arms or mix the tzenkethi uniform with the voth uniform, currently that's not possible but i feel like it would not only open up way more options for customisation (using only assets that are already functional in game) but it would also feel more worth while because sometimes I find I grind those reps only to find i don't really like anything from that rep bar a couple of pieces of a uniform which I cant use because Im torn between that and another uniform. Is this possible to do? if it is I think it would be great from an aesthetic point of view as well as an extra little motivational factor for grinding out those reputations.