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Far and Away: Parts One and Two

javaman1969javaman1969 Member Posts: 298 Arc User
My original crew and their trusty ship are now NPCs in what I intend as an ongoing foundry series. I did this because writing them into adventures seemed like a good way to develop them as characters. Here are the first two installments, which take place after the Iconian War and before the Hur'q crisis:

Far and Away Part One: Sagittarius
Level: 11
Time to complete: 30 minutes
Mission opens in: Eridan Belt, Ponor Sector
This is my first ever foundry project. it has gone through several revisions since I first published it last year, as I became better at using the system. The biggest change is the addition of some new characters which will be important in Part Two.
Starfleet is pushing out into an unchrarted region, and you are asked to be on the front lines of exploration. This is short, simple, and, (I hope), fun. See strange new worlds, encounter a new civilization, and make an exciting discovery along the way.

Far and Away Part Two: The Chase
Level: 57
Time to complete: 60 minutes
Mission opens in: Eridan Belt, Ponor Sector
Just published: this mission can now be found under the review tab.
This mission proceeds directly from the events covered in Part One and further develops the characters encountered there.
A murder on a far-flung research outpost leads to a mad chase through the stars to catch the killer and uncover a deeper secret.
His methods have become unsound.
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