Greetings and Salutations sentients !
The 44th Fleet is one of the oldest and most active PC fleets in STO, and has both a Federation and KDF armada. Gamma positions in our Armada have opened up for fleets interested in enjoying the extra armada bonuses, and are looking for a drama-free environment.
Besides that, we offer access to all our Tier V fleet facilities for all armada fleets. As an armada member we can help you build up your fleet holdings, join fleet TFOs without any 'must attend' requirements - we are here to support you so you can run your fleet as you see fit.

Check out our website at or pm me here or in-game (
@marcase) or contact any of the other 44th Fleet members.
See you, out there.
The Mighty 44th. Boldly bashing Borgs to bits since 2010.
Two Federation Gamma positions left, plus one KDF gamma position available in the 44th KDF Armada. Contact us or visit out website at
The Mighty 44th. Boldly bashing Borgs to bits since 2010.
Thank you for your interest !
The Mighty 44th. Boldly bashing Borgs to bits since 2010.
The Mighty 44th. Boldly bashing Borgs to bits since 2010.