For something that was supposed to be an "improvement," this new mission system totally sucks the big one. It has me actually thinking about leaving STO and never coming back. AND FYI, I have a lifetime account. So, PLEASE put the missions back the way they were. I know I am not the only one who HATES this new system.
Thank you.
Anyone want to give me a Temporal Heavy Dreadnought pack? I'll be your friend
And with Spectres and Wasteland being outside the timeline, things happen OUT OF SEQUENCE. It's not right. Especially when you 're trying to do a written fictional storyline based on your character's advance through the system. Now, it's all screwed up.
Is STO now configured to force the new player to either grind the crafting tree so he can build an Aegis set to progress thru the storyline, or grind patrols until he makes enough EC's to buy something off the exchange and/or levels up on skill points to get into the rep tree's ? I'm wondering why I came back.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
See Official Feedback Thread for Streamlining the Mission Journal
Quality of Life Improvements for the Mission Journal
Enhancement for the Duty Office Assignments
Enhancement for Admiralty Missions
Enhancement for Accolades and Reward
Enhancement Bridge Officers