@westmetals wrote:
Well, I'm not a mod, so I will leave it here... except to say that your proposal (above) states as if fact, some of the exact points that people were objecting to in the other thread. Such as referring to your event ships idea with "Players do not want "a step backwards" - even if it's to a place that is objectively reasonable"... when the exact objection was that it's not 'objectively reasonable'.
In cognitive psychology and decision theory, loss aversion and the endowment effect combine to mean that people will resist changes they perceive as a loss far more strongly than they value objectively equivalent improvements.
Loss Aversion at wikipedia covers the basic idea.
The idea is objectively reasonable - ultimately to the benefit of the majority of the player base as, to balance the absolute loss in
Utility Cryptic would necessarily balance that with a more reasonable effort to attain the ship in the first place.
So the idea has great utility to anyone who just wants a single ship to share amongst multiple characters and wants to spend less time grinding for it. And the idea also enables Cryptic to offer a wider market of Account Wide services that they currently do not - and can not - do.
The trade itself is simple: We, the players, give up account wide unlocks on some things, in exchange we get account wide *use* on everything.
That is, objectively, a better option, but
loss aversion to the
Endowment Effect
A far larger Account wide shared bank that replaces all the character banks rounds out the system.
STO is going to continue a slow slide into obscurity - which as an LTS I don't want - if it can't attract new players. And that means some existing players will have to get off their entitled horses and give something up so Cryptic can implement a new Account model that is more palatable to casual and new players.