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opening theme music for .5 season suggestion

generaldisaster#4313 generaldisaster Member Posts: 374 Arc User
edited November 2018 in The Art of Star Trek Online
the current story in STO has the house mokai Klingons going to the 24th century and running amok. earlier I listened to the Star Trek TMP film score, and thought it would be perfect for the .5 season opening music for STO. I know the CBS people would have to OK the use of it, but I am sure since PWI is already working with them on the current season's content, it should not be that hard. the TMP film score in my mind, music wise, provides a bridge between the TOS era and the TNG era. also at about 4:00 into the music, there is a portion that to me, is ST music used when Klingons make their appearance. it gives me this "Here come the Klingons!" kind of feel.

here's a youtube link to the song (starting at 3:03:00 and ending at 9:53)

Star Treking, across the universe. Only going forward because we can't find reverse...


  • sthe91sthe91 Member Posts: 6,230 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    While I like the idea, they would probably have to create an inspired piece like they did for Delta Rising and Victory is Life but might not be able to use the original. Also, Cryptic is working with CBS, they are just under the umbrella of Perfect World Entertainment. Finally, I think they already have their plans for .5 in stone, they tend to do that in advance.
    Where there is a Will, there is a Way.
  • well they do have to have a license from cbs to be able to use the star trek name and the star trek ships and names.
    Star Treking, across the universe. Only going forward because we can't find reverse...
  • spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,424 Arc User
    well they do have to have a license from cbs to be able to use the star trek name and the star trek ships and names.
    yeah but those things can really complex, for example they can use the name of a character for characters with lighter make-ups but unless they have the premission from the actor they can't use the likeness that why you had "poor man's version" of canon characters like Eraun, who was essentially "poor man's" Weyoun since they didn't get Jeffrey Combs.
  • generaldisaster#4313 generaldisaster Member Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    true, but we are talking about music here, not people in the series.

    I am reminded of the game Star Trek The Next Generation: A Final Unity (a awesome game btw, even for how old it is.) they were able to have the TNG cast reprise their roles, but were unable to use the 1701-D and the opening theme music, so they did a slightly battle scarred 1701-D (carbon scoring streaks all over the saucer section) and did a slight take off of the music. It sounded almost the same, but was different enough from the original that the (paramount back then) lawyers would not get their tights in bunch.

    here is a video of the opening of that game if you interested


    and here's the same intro, but from the actual show


    don't know why I didn't remember about this thing until a few minutes ago. but the devs could have music that was really close, but slightly different enough to not trigger the CBS lawyers.
    Post edited by generaldisaster#4313 on
    Star Treking, across the universe. Only going forward because we can't find reverse...
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    STO music isn't that great for repeat listening; especially for 8+yrs. We really could use some new music for this game.

    On new missions and TFOs I'll listen to everything a couple times, but after that music gets muted and SFXs get turned way down (I can only take so many ween!s in combat).

  • spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,424 Arc User
    true, but we are talking about music here, not people in the series.

    I am reminded of the game Star Trek The Next Generation: A Final Unity (a awesome game btw, even for how old it is.) they were able to have the TNG cast reprise their roles, but were unable to use the 1701-D and the opening theme music, so they did a slightly battle scarred 1701-D (carbon scoring streaks all over the saucer section) and did a slight take off of the music. It sounded almost the same, but was different enough from the original that the (paramount back then) lawyers would not get their tights in bunch.

    here is a video of the opening of that game if you interested...

    don't know why I didn't remember about this thing until a few minutes ago. but the devs could have music that was really close, but slightly different enough to trigger the CBS lawyers.
    Honestly I'm not sure they didn't have licence (aka rights) to the TMP theme (which the TNG theme is a variation), the differences could just be a case of the hardware of the time being unable to fully replicate the orchestral piece that was the orginal theme.

    Also the GCS looks "close enough" that it really doesn't look like a copyright Dodge.

    As for using actors as an example, it was just that an example to show it's not a case of "everything or nothing" but rather the rights in these things can get highly complex.

  • generaldisaster#4313 generaldisaster Member Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    true, i doubt PWI would reveal their licensing agreement with CBS to the masses. if they did though, we might be able to provide suggestions for stuff they could actually do.

    btw.... stupid question here... what is GCS?
    Star Treking, across the universe. Only going forward because we can't find reverse...
  • as for the game intro, looks like they used adlib for sound maybe. I had a sound blaster 16 back in the day, and it was actually able to produce music instrument sounds and sounded much better. I may try loading up my copy into my MS-DOS VM i have setup, and see how different it sound to the you tube copy. fortunately, the CD-ROM drivers I got with one of my CD drives back in the day works well with the VM and even works in dos box to provide access to the CD-ROM drive. it is a good thing I bought a quality USB floppy drive (TEAC) when I did, other wise I would not be able to access the driver disk on my current PC (laptop).
    Star Treking, across the universe. Only going forward because we can't find reverse...
  • themadprofessor#9835 themadprofessor Member Posts: 1,203 Arc User
    true, i doubt PWI would reveal their licensing agreement with CBS to the masses. if they did though, we might be able to provide suggestions for stuff they could actually do.

    btw.... stupid question here... what is GCS?

    Galaxy Class Starship
    Space Barbie Extraordinaire. Got a question about Space Barbie? Just ask.

    Things I want in STO:

    1) More character customization options such as more clothing options, letting the toon complexion affect the entire body, not just the head. Also a true RGB color picker applied to all costume and appearance options, which would allow for true appearance customization and homogenous colors instead of "this same exact color looks vastly different on two different pieces."
    2) Bridge customization, not bridge packs. Let us pick a general layout and adjust the color palette, console appearance, and chair types, as well as more ready room layout options.
    3) Customizable ground weapons, i.e. The aesthetic look of phaser dual pistols but they shoot antiproton bolts. For obvious reasons this would only apply to standard ground weapons.
    4) For the love of Q please revamp Plasma Ground Weapons. They look like demented Supersoakers right now.
    5) True Vanity Impulse and Deflector effects similar to Vanity Shields.
    6) A greater payout for hitting T6 Reputations. Currently it takes more time and resources to get from T5 to T6 than it does to get from nothing to T5. Make that grind really pay out at the end.
    7) Mirrorverse Refugee event similar to AoY/Delta/Gamma, complete with new Mirrorverse recruits for all factions.
    8) Independent Faction, because yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me!
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