Decided to try my hand at Sci magic for a change and so far so good apart from hitting a slight snag...
I have no idea which Warp core would be best for the character? Preferably (A-S) as I will be running max Aux and torps, so no need weapon power.
So, a Spire core? or one of the newer Colony cores? or even stick with the old Solanae warp core?
As always, all advice appreciated.
U.S.S. Buteo Regalis - Brigid Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer build
R.R.W. Ri Maajon - Khopesh Tactical Dreadnought Warbird build
My Youtube channel containing STO videos.
Taking this choice for a core also leaves one with enough freedom for some “better” calls on the other core systems, especially in light of the high EPG deflectors from stories, the colony deflector as well as the competitive engine with its massive speed boost.
There are often synergies with torpedoes on such builds. Taking the temporal core here also enables one to squeeze in the adapted maco 2 piece as this set has no core to choose.
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Deflector: Temporal
Impulse Engine: Competitive
Core: Temporal
Shield: Competitive
But I don't necessarily recommend going for the competitive two set. I just use it because it brings my builds CtrlX up to the magic 400 for maximum well size with a minimum of overshoot. Your needs may very.
I really was in close consideration of your setup as well on my sci. The Comp Engines are just too great to fly and the shield feels more stable with the 5% bleed through compared to the Temporal shield.
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Will definitely take a look at the Bajor deflector. Kind of wondering, what are the stats of the Bajor deflector with all EPG and epic?