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AoD Not As Fleshed out as it should have been

hebdahebda Member Posts: 58 Arc User
This content was not fleshed out the way that it should have been. The tutorial, Discovery wrap over existing Fed tutorial. Horrible, it's not a reimagining so much as it is the same exact gameplay with Tilly ranting on about nonsense. It's lazy design and I'm really surprised that you guys took this approach. It wasn't an original story, built for the specific content. Then two missions after the tutorial, they weren't bad, but you guys have done better in the past. This whole expansion could have been expanded upon so much more. You released content for the sake of releasing content and then broke a half dozen other systems in the process.

There was so much storytelling opportunity here and you relegated the chance with a rehashed tutorial and rushed storyline to push us into the main game timeline. Speaking of timeline, for the love of Pete, I am so tired of this temporal timeline TRIBBLE, it is so overused. I would rather have a completely separate Discovery story, than have this constant temporal blah blah blah happen every time you guys release new content. It's very mundane and at this point it is a seriously overused plot device. STOP IT!!

I really liked the idea of a Discovery story, I am very unimpressed with it's execution. LoR and DR were much better stories out of the gate, then Discovery is. This is by far the laziest thing I have ever seen the team do in terms of story. I and others expect better out of this team. This is of course all just my opinion and I do appreciate the work that you guys and gals do, but this time you dropped the ball and you failed to challenge yourselves and take full advantage of the potential of the Discovery story. It's like Kurtzman himself wrote this.

Hopefully, the coming months will bring with it, much better story telling and more cohesiveness in the storytelling, and an end to temporal anomalies being used as a plot device for a while.
“In the strict scientific sense we all feed on death…..even vegetarians.” – Spock
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • lexusk19lexusk19 Member Posts: 1,425 Arc User
    100% agree, but I do believe its this way due to the lack of time they had. Lets hope they improve it in the coming months, cause as it stands, its very subpar what they have done before.
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