Joined for a random TFO, Got kicked by the server (something that happens all the time anyway). Logged back in and got a leaver penalty; super un-fun.
Kael told me to put things here
I was told to rewrite this, its not very hard:
1. Push "Join Random" in the Task Force Operations window
2. Wait for the random queue to fill
3. Wait for the people to accept after pushing Accept
4. Load instance animation fills, at some point during the instance loading the server kicks you
5. Log back in, and receive Leaver penalty
This has currently happened to me everywhere; it does not appear to be new, nor does it happen on any single instance, or loading into any specific queue. I have no idea how to replicate it since I never know when it's about to happen. The latest time I was in Sol System, and I have no idea what I was loading into since it was random.
@alcaatraz || I make tanks and do maths stuffs ---
"I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul."