Mission Journal button by the side of the map is disabled after closing mission journal.
Under the Roster section of Duty Officer window the "Request More Duty Officers" image is covering the prisoner and passenger tabs. I'd also recommend changing the mouse over text for the icon by the map, since that window now deals with more than just Duty Officers.
Under the Duty Officer section there's a blank tab under the department heads tab. I'm guessing it's the tab that usually appears when you speak to one of your department heads.
PvP queues have vanished (it looks like you're changing the queues though).
Tribble doesn't appear to have had it's options screen updated to match holodecks, so no announcements etc. Which is a blessed relief :P.
Previously Alendiak
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse