I have been flying around in this amazing looking ship for a good bit now, and I really want to see what I can do with her. I have my heart set on phaser dual cannons (What am I, some Klingon/Romulam/Dominion, not-phaser build scumbag?), since she has the massive forward guns built into the saucer section. I also have my heart set on specific sets of kit. One, the cloaking device, quad cannons, and quantum torpedo console. If I can make the ship's hull black (I can, and I did), I want to use her as she was meant to be used... as a stealth battlecruiser! Two, the V.A.T.A. and ablative shielding consoles from the Avenger and Arbiter battlecruiser set. Good damage bonuses, feels right to use them. Third, and this one's negotiable, the quantum phaser set. I've been loving it since I started using it on this ship, but I have no idea if it's really the best thing to use.
Other than that, I'm completely open to any advice at all (except you non-phaser users... traitors). I want to hear suggestions for weapons, equipment, consoles, duty officers, traits, literally anything to do with making a build, because to be perfectly honest, I've been winging it since day one! Thanks in advance, I look forward to seeing what people come up with!
This is my current build on my Fleet Arbiter. I am just using a Mix of Fleet Cannons, Quad Cannons and the Prolonged Engagment Cannon. You can swap these out to fit your taste, ideally you would want crafted cannons with the Pen Mod if possible. This ship is on an alt and I didn't go full out with the weapons. Honestly though, it doesn't matter all that much. Pen is a great mod if you can get it, but this ship is an Aux2Bat build using the 'Cold Hearted' trait from the Breen Raider that was given away in the last Winter Event. Between that and Attack Pattern Beta, there is enough debuff that Pen, while still good becomes much less of a 'must have.'
Now, obviously.. this is just for you to pick some ideas from, this isn't exactly what you want. You would swap in your torpedo launcher and change out the consoles you don't have access to for the ones you wish to use. The build is complete it lists all bridge officer powers, duty officers and traits so hopefully you can pull some good info from it. If you don't know how Aux2Bat works, please let me know and I can explain so you understand why it's set up like this. You might also have to tweak the tactical bridge officer powers a bit to fit in your torpedo skills, I don't use Torps so I don't have skills allocated for them. I guess you could use Torp Spread or High Yield in place of Override Sub System Safetites if you need a torp skill.
This is kind of a 'meta build,' but the meta right now is really all over the place so you will see other options as well. Most would probably use the Prevailing Impulse Engines and Shields with the Fleet Intervention Deflector and Fleet Warp Core. That's a great way to go, I just had the full Iconian Set and it's still a great set so I used it.
This build does use the Cold Hearted trait, if you don't have it though it's not a deal breaker. The two traits that I consider 'must have' for this are Emergency Weapon Cycle which is from the Arbiter so you're covered there. The other trait that this build uses is 'Withering Barrage' which is from the T6 Defiant. This trait extends the duration of Cannon: Scatter Volley which is really nice because in an Aux2Bat build you can bring the cooldown for CSV to global. With the addition of Withering Barrage it gives you 100% uptime on Scatter Volley which in addition to being an AOE it increases the firing arc from 45' to 90' and that's basically permanent. Very powerful indeed.
Again, I know this isn't your 'exact' need, it's really just a template for you to pull some ideas from. Please let me know if anything is unclear or if you have any questions I haven't answered.
Kind of surprised that you're not using energy refrequencer for healing.
Actually, that's not a bad idea.
Generally, my play style is to defend myself with overwhelming offense. Kill things before they can kill me. Usually, I am so loaded up on offensive minded traits that I honestly never really used that one at all.
In this case, the alt flying this ship doesn't have access to some of the offensive traits I like to use and right now is using 'The Best Defense' as my defensive trait. Energy Refrequencer might actually be a better option though, I'll play around with it.
It's harder to fly then the CSV variant because it's limited to that 45 degree arc but man.. that thing is a death machine. If anything is in front of it, it doesn't stay there for long. This is why I love the Arbiter, you can do just about anything with it, if you're not into Aux2Bat, it's easy to change over to a Drake layout and it can run single beams, dual beams or cannons with ease. Most people get it just for the trait, but this ship has it all.
On my end YOU may be on to something. Energy Refrequencer was usually one of the first trait i put on any build so i noticed it was missing and got curious as to the "why".
I use/used the point blank shot trait quite often, but i never considered the trait "The Best Defense"
It may actually be the thing i have been looking for on some of my EBC torpedo bomber builds.
I definitely got some good things to use from this. I completely forgot the Trilithium turret existed, so I went and grabbed it. I'll start using it and the set's console, see how well that does. Unfortunately, I am very low on energy credits, so many of those traits you use are far out of my reach.
I also grabbed up some low level crafted dual heavies and turrets, all with the pen mod. Next time there's an upgrade event, I'll use my omega upgrades and see if I can get them up to epic. Until then, I'll keep using my fleet ones with [dmg]x3 and [crtd].
Since I'm using a torpedo instead of a fifth dual cannon, I put points into torp skills and I have a tactical officer in the universal boff slot for another copy of AP beta and torp spread.
Instead of aux2bat, I use damage control doffs to reduce the cooldown of power to weapons and another doff to buff and reduce cooldown of tac team, and the rest of my tac abilities recharge fast enough for my liking.
The last thing I need now is the Valiant's console and trait, to get my cloak upgraded to battle cloak and to get the best up-time on scatter volley. Should be pretty fun, albiet not a meta build. Next, I'll be tinkering with my Jupiter and Akira.
Did that get buffed back up since S13? Prior to S13 it was practically the only healing a high damage output ship needed, after S13 smacked it with a nerf bat it was basically only really useful for placing in CCA with it's small trickle of healing. It seems that the Automated Protomater Conduits trait from Lukari Rep is more useful nowadays, pending you're playing something with lots of enemies (I.E. it sucks for ISA, but most other stuff it works great).
I don't think you can use the Valiant's console on the Battlecruiser, as it should be locked to other ships of it's class (I.E. the ships that can look like Defiants).
My god, I didn't even consider that. I'm so stupid. Damn, would have been really cool to have a full set, so I could use the battle cloak. Well, need it for the trait anyway. Guess that means I have room for another engineering console, at least. Kinda sucks that the battlecruiser can use both other pieces of the set, but not the third. Honestly, I think those universal consoles need to be a bit less restrictive. Like, definitely not every single ship, but a battlecruiser using an escort's multi-torpedo launcher isn't out of the realm of possibility, right?
I'm still able to use the cloaking device and quad phaser combo for the 2-piece, which gives me some crit when I decloak. I was just hoping to use that Valiant console to get more torpedo firepower and make the cloak a battle cloak. I suppose I could make a similar build with the Valiant itself at some point. I just saw one day that you could equip the cloaking device on Fed battlecruisers, and I noticed it had a black hull material, so I decided to try a stealth ship kind of thing.
For the thousandth time, no one is talking about PvP. This is a PvE build. You don't need all the stealth against NPC's it's totally unnecessary. His intentions are good, but his advice as always is useless.
I appreciate it, but this is DEFINITELY not a PvP build. In fact, I haven't played PvP in STO in years. The reason I like to have cloak on this particular ship is A) it's one of the only Starfleet ships that can fit one, black hull material = perfect stealth ship, and C) I like to be able to get behind big groups or one hard target, hit 'em from the rear arc and get those juicy intel bonuses. I was hoping I could get a battle cloak to make it even more effective, but twas not to be thanks to these oddly restrictive consoles.
I always thought the Avenger/Arbiter should be able to cloak. It definitely looks and feels like a ship that should cloak.. I totally get where you're coming from. I even thought about adding the cloak console, but I just could never bring myself to sacrifice one of my 11 precious console slots for a cloak. Maybe I'll throw it in on one of my 'for fun' builds that isn't worried about optimizing. It does seem to fit the ship rather nicely.
This is exactly why I'm trying to perfect this build. One of my few "fun" builds where I can just make something that feels right, that uses things unique to a ship and try to build a play style around it. I want to do the same with my Akira and Jupiter, as an escort carrier and full carrier respectively. I'm working on my Jupiter now, want to make it a real tank.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Id also add "MINES" see through both Mask E sig and Rom Battle cloak..Got wiped out by a couple mine layers in Ker'rat tryin to scope out their ship..
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Don't know if it's a subjective opinion, but it sure hits harder if you mix CRF with CSV.
Prolonged Phaser Dual Cannons, Quantum Phase DHC (and the console for the 2 piece and bonuses) and 3 more Phaser Dual Heavy Cannons (Pen is optional, CRTD is the thing) and make sure to have your unbuffed Critical Hit Chance around or over 25%.
You're gonna hit like a truck.
Dual Cannons with [Dmg]x are better for CSV, Dual Heavy Cannons with [Crtd] are better for CRF.
Feel free to post back if this was useful for you.