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KDF Promotion (mission)

sarvour0sarvour0 Member Posts: 382 Arc User
I have a problem. Some of my KDF Captains have their Promotion to the next Rank, and it says to Speak with J'mpok. I go to s/w him, but he in dialogue directs me to seek out the Battle master, and see how I can best serve the Empire. But the mission text does not change, and trying to interact with the Battle Master in the courtyard is not even an option; the Battle Master in the training area (adjacent to First City; where all new Captains go when they return to Qo'nos the first time) is glad to see you, but advances nothing.

Is this a bug? Am I being blocked by an unfinished mission I need to complete?
[SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards[/SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards
=A=Commodore Joshua Daniel Sarvour, S.C.E.
U.S.S. AKAGI NX-93347, Enterprise-class Battle Cruiser =A= U.S.S. T'KORA'S WRATH NX-110047, Odyssey-class Battle Cruiser

"There Ain't No Grave, Can Hold My Body Down..."

PS - I fully support a T6 Nova, fixing the Nova skins. I am also rooting for a T6 Science Cruiser, that can use Nova/Rhode Island skins.
T6 Nova/Rhode Island, T6 Oberth & T6 Constellation are needed. Also needed a T6 Science Cruiser, that can wear any Science or Cruiser skin.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    I could have swore it would send me to the Ship Yard every time I get a promo...except maybe I think it is the Tutorial, too. It is really not the Level 10 game promotion. Did you go to the Exchange, kick the Ferengi and add Ch'gren to your crew?

    What level are you? What was the last mission you did with your Klingon?

    I am getting ready to level my KDF characters to Level 20, the next promo for them, over the weekend....I can tell you what happens then.
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,790 Arc User
    There's one promotion where you must have completed a set of story missions first, ending with The House Always Wins. If you haven't finished adventuring with Worf, no ship for you!
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    The level 10 promotion is special and requires you to do a mission, "Test of Mettle" IIRC.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • sarvour0sarvour0 Member Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    Today I was on Valkora, KDF Sci Captain. Doffing got her the bump to Lv 25. It was a while since I last played her, but checking her current missions, I saw she had Promotion: Commander, and instructions to speak with J'mpok in the Great Hall. Sometime in the past week, another of my Sci Captains made Captain Rank, went to First City, and the Mission Window in the HUD updated as soon as I arrived in First City, to go straight to the Shipyard. Another Captain before that, I was able to Hail J'mpok and then go to the shipyard.
    I will take another look at the in-progress missions. As it could be that.

    Update: Valkora has completed The House Always Wins. Not seeing any open tutorial arcs.
    Post edited by sarvour0 on
    [SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards[/SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards
    =A=Commodore Joshua Daniel Sarvour, S.C.E.
    U.S.S. AKAGI NX-93347, Enterprise-class Battle Cruiser =A= U.S.S. T'KORA'S WRATH NX-110047, Odyssey-class Battle Cruiser

    "There Ain't No Grave, Can Hold My Body Down..."

    PS - I fully support a T6 Nova, fixing the Nova skins. I am also rooting for a T6 Science Cruiser, that can use Nova/Rhode Island skins.
    T6 Nova/Rhode Island, T6 Oberth & T6 Constellation are needed. Also needed a T6 Science Cruiser, that can wear any Science or Cruiser skin.
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    sarvour0 wrote: »
    Today I was on Valkora, KDF Sci Captain. Doffing got her the bump to Lv 25. <snip>
    Update: Valkora has completed The House Always Wins. Not seeing any open tutorial arcs.

    All of my new KDF characters have finished "Warzone" arc and ready to move on to the Dividian ones. And when they finished "Warzone" they landed on Level 11. On the other hand, your character is at Level 25 and not done with "Warzone".

    This is why I have banned DOFFing and XP bonus weekends on my new characters. Too much XP at low end from DOFFing. Just before Risa, I got the level 10 promo and took them to Level 11 to unlock DOFFing, only because I wanted to make them the bird as a pet.

    "Test of Mettle", does not mess you up any more. They revamped the promotions a while ago....that is when promotions got changed to the shipyard.

    Take your character to Qo'nos, then up to the Shipyard and see if that triggers the promotion stuff in the program.

    If it doesn't, you can try finishing "War Zone" story arc and try it again.
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • bravosixromeobravosixromeo Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    I had to submit a ticket, as I had the same issue on another character on another account. After a few exchanges with Support, they asked for permission to log into my account. I assumed to see firsthand the issue, and test a fix. They did indeed get the problem resolved for me. Took a few days, but it wasn't a high priority issue for me, as that was an alt.
  • sarvour0sarvour0 Member Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    I'll give it a shot. Did “Second Star to the Right, Straight on 'til Morning” last night, about to start "Keep Your Enemies Closer"

    UPDATE: Completed "Keep Your Enemies Closer", still stuck. Tried visiting the Shipyard and walking up to the Ship Vendor; nothing triggered, nothing changed. Requested GM Help.
    Valkora is now Lv 29. I want my K't'inga ...
    Post edited by sarvour0 on
    [SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards[/SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards
    =A=Commodore Joshua Daniel Sarvour, S.C.E.
    U.S.S. AKAGI NX-93347, Enterprise-class Battle Cruiser =A= U.S.S. T'KORA'S WRATH NX-110047, Odyssey-class Battle Cruiser

    "There Ain't No Grave, Can Hold My Body Down..."

    PS - I fully support a T6 Nova, fixing the Nova skins. I am also rooting for a T6 Science Cruiser, that can use Nova/Rhode Island skins.
    T6 Nova/Rhode Island, T6 Oberth & T6 Constellation are needed. Also needed a T6 Science Cruiser, that can wear any Science or Cruiser skin.
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    sarvour0 wrote: »
    I go to s/w him, but he in dialogue directs me to seek out the Battle master, and see how I can best serve the Empire.

    I found this dialog with J'mpok...it is the default dialog after you accepted the mission but not completed it. So...somewhere the program knows you have some mission active. Not that it helps you get the promo going.

    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    I don't think you actually got the pop up for the Level 20 promotion.

    I am sure you would not have missed this promotion prompt...even if you were collecting DOFF assignments. Because it is quite prominent.

    First, you get a pop up window from your First Officer K'Gan (unless you changed it) telling you J'mpok is hailing you. Then you get a second pop up window with Chancellor J'mpok in it...PLUS the Promotion assignment automatically shows up in the Mission Tracker window.

    See Picture: https://i.imgur.com/LuhfVxv.jpg

    When you get to Q'onos the text in the Mission Tracker changes to "Go to the Ship Yard."
    When you beam up to the Ship Yard...the Mission Tracker text changes to "Speak to Ship and Shuttle Requisitions"

    See Picture: https://i.imgur.com/JgOP2ks.jpg
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • sarvour0sarvour0 Member Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited August 2018
    Yes, I get that is how it is supposed to happen now. But it used to be different and that might be the problem. When they revamped KDF missions in 2015, a lot of mission trees had trimming/restructuring.
    A bad patch wrecked my copy of STO on my old laptop; STO would not re-patch, would not allow fixes, and even refused to let me uninstall so I could start fresh. This forced me to miss out on STO for two years, until I got a new laptop and returned last year.
    This mission was sitting unfinished, I don't know how long.

    As to how these Promotion missions are supposed to go, I stated earlier some of my other KDF HAVE had no problems, progressing and resolving their Promotion mission and claiming their new ship.
    Post edited by sarvour0 on
    [SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards[/SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards
    =A=Commodore Joshua Daniel Sarvour, S.C.E.
    U.S.S. AKAGI NX-93347, Enterprise-class Battle Cruiser =A= U.S.S. T'KORA'S WRATH NX-110047, Odyssey-class Battle Cruiser

    "There Ain't No Grave, Can Hold My Body Down..."

    PS - I fully support a T6 Nova, fixing the Nova skins. I am also rooting for a T6 Science Cruiser, that can use Nova/Rhode Island skins.
    T6 Nova/Rhode Island, T6 Oberth & T6 Constellation are needed. Also needed a T6 Science Cruiser, that can wear any Science or Cruiser skin.
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    sarvour0 wrote: »
    Yes, I get that is how it is supposed to happen now. But it used to be different and that might be the problem. When they revamped KDF missions in 2015, a lot of mission trees had trimming/restructuring.

    Well, if people with Pavyl stuck in night mode after they removed day/night cycles on Risa two years ago is any indication...you may be stuck without...until you get to the Level 30 Promotion.

    Hopefully, that one will trigger properly for you.
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • sarvour0sarvour0 Member Posts: 382 Arc User
    Okay, Customer Service/GM Help suggested I try changing instances.
    That did not work.
    I accidentally did something that gave me XP and bumped me from Lv 29 Cdr. to Lv 30 Cpt. Promotion: Commander disappears and Promotion: Captain has taken its place, and it instructs me to go to the Shipyard.
    I got to claim a ship and the mission auto-completes. I have access to Captain-level ships and I have the Token for 1 Free Ship at that level.
    After selecting my Vor'Cha, I toggle the window from Captain to Commander, I have a Token for a Commander level ship, and claim the K't'inga I've been trying to get for weeks now. Finally!
    The loss of the XP is a drop in the bucket; at least I got both ships!
    [SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards[/SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards
    =A=Commodore Joshua Daniel Sarvour, S.C.E.
    U.S.S. AKAGI NX-93347, Enterprise-class Battle Cruiser =A= U.S.S. T'KORA'S WRATH NX-110047, Odyssey-class Battle Cruiser

    "There Ain't No Grave, Can Hold My Body Down..."

    PS - I fully support a T6 Nova, fixing the Nova skins. I am also rooting for a T6 Science Cruiser, that can use Nova/Rhode Island skins.
    T6 Nova/Rhode Island, T6 Oberth & T6 Constellation are needed. Also needed a T6 Science Cruiser, that can wear any Science or Cruiser skin.
  • wdwormack214wdwormack214 Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    Look, I am a 62 year old man. ALL of that made absolutely no, I repeat, NO sense.

    If the 'intention' is to "aggressively DISCOURAGE" less-skilled users of the program, I've got to tell you, YOU'RE DOING A DAMNED FINE JOB. Haven't you people ever heard of "K.I.S.S."?

    Reading all of "that stuff", I thought I was 'listening' to a certain elected official's "political rally speeches". Talk about "incomprehensible word-salad".
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    Look, I am a 62 year old man. ALL of that made absolutely no, I repeat, NO sense.

    If the 'intention' is to "aggressively DISCOURAGE" less-skilled users of the program, I've got to tell you, YOU'RE DOING A DAMNED FINE JOB. Haven't you people ever heard of "K.I.S.S."?

    Reading all of "that stuff", I thought I was 'listening' to a certain elected official's "political rally speeches". Talk about "incomprehensible word-salad".

    Tell you what.. instead of taking your anger at the game out on the people throwing out ideas, why don't you take a breath and try that response again?

    If you're stuck, tell us what the problem is and we can try to help. I'm not sure what in this thread didn't make sense to you, but if you explain what exactly you need and what you didn't understand.. perhaps we can help.

    When you're stuck, it's frustrating.. we have all been there, but the people posting here aren't the cause of the problem nor should they be the focus of your anger. If you need help, ask and we'll do our best to help you.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    @seaofsorrows He did ask...in The Academy....I sent him a link over here to read this thread because it sounded similar... and thought it would help.

    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • captainwellscaptainwells Member Posts: 718 Arc User
    sarvour0 wrote: »
    seek out the Battle master

    When you finish the mission in the drop down menu to accept the reward, actually going to pay a visit with J'mpok is unnecessary.

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    Talk to the Battle Masters to find out how you can best serve the Empire.
    This is his way of telling you to go bother someone else because he has nothing for you to do.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • arionisaarionisa Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    Look, I am a 62 year old man. ALL of that made absolutely no, I repeat, NO sense.

    If the 'intention' is to "aggressively DISCOURAGE" less-skilled users of the program, I've got to tell you, YOU'RE DOING A DAMNED FINE JOB. Haven't you people ever heard of "K.I.S.S."?

    Reading all of "that stuff", I thought I was 'listening' to a certain elected official's "political rally speeches". Talk about "incomprehensible word-salad".

    I'm only a 57 year old man but I learned in that 57 years that being rude and insulting to people who are trying to help you gets you no where, except for most likely causing people to quit trying to help you at all.
    LTS and loving it.
  • sarvour0sarvour0 Member Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    sarvour0 wrote: »
    seek out the Battle master

    When you finish the mission in the drop down menu to accept the reward, actually going to pay a visit with J'mpok is unnecessary.

    I stated in an earlier post, the cause in the problem lay in my hiatus from the game resulted in my character being stuck with instructions from the older version of the mission, so the old triggers are no longer in place/switched on. So it would not advance because parts were missing. When I got bumped to the next level, I got the current mission for Promotion to Captain and that worked as normal for the new mission. Thank God I still got the Token for the Commander's ship too!
    [SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards[/SIGPIC]Sarvour Shipyards
    =A=Commodore Joshua Daniel Sarvour, S.C.E.
    U.S.S. AKAGI NX-93347, Enterprise-class Battle Cruiser =A= U.S.S. T'KORA'S WRATH NX-110047, Odyssey-class Battle Cruiser

    "There Ain't No Grave, Can Hold My Body Down..."

    PS - I fully support a T6 Nova, fixing the Nova skins. I am also rooting for a T6 Science Cruiser, that can use Nova/Rhode Island skins.
    T6 Nova/Rhode Island, T6 Oberth & T6 Constellation are needed. Also needed a T6 Science Cruiser, that can wear any Science or Cruiser skin.
This discussion has been closed.