To join a que all you had to do is push of a single button. Now instead you have to confirm that you want to join a que which is pointless as I wouldn't have pushed the button in the first place if I didn't want to join. The same thing happen to the difficulty which is now a menu instead of cycling through with one button. I could get over these if the timer to accept had not been change to 1 minute. It was bad enough being unable to start a PvE because someone didn't accept when it was 30 seconds. Now we have to wait twice as long just for someone not to accept to start the wait all over again. I accepted a que and 5 times it failed to start before I had enough and turned the game off. 5 minutes I sat watching the timer tick down as I couldn't do anything else as I was going to be pulled out of what I was doingWho was this done for? Who can not accept in 30 seconds? Everyone now has to wait twice as long because a few people are to slow. I could again forgive all this if 90% of the PvEs were not dead and the only reliable one that didn't take 20 mins to start Crystaline catastrophe had not been ruined. It only took 5 player to start it but could take up to 10 players. Now it takes 10 players to start meaning the wait time has gone up meaning less people que meaning it take a lot longer to start. Reputation, fleet marks, crafting items and dilithium all gained through PvEs now take at least twice as long to gather . I am done with the game and will not be returning until PvEs are fixed.