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"Survivor" Bridge Officer Bugs

mike03ucmike03uc Member Posts: 227 Arc User
These have been around for a while, and it's getting vexing. Throughout Survivor, there are numerous bugs that cause bridge officers to get stuck. The first occurs immediately after beaming in; when ascending the stairs into the prison compound, bridge officers (as well as both Sela and Daniels) will run to the far end of the clearing and stay there unless one climbs the staircase very slowly, hugging the right side of it. After that, at both the first cutscene area (prior to the temporal bubble puzzle) and later at the supply area after you've dispersed the anomalies, characters frequently get stuck, either standing where they are for the duration of the mission or (as is the case in the supply area) falling through the floor. This is a great episode, but these bugs are really killing it.
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