Since there is a sale going on, here's my recommendation: The Elite Starter Pack.
If you have any intentions of running alts, it is a great option.
The Elite Starter Pack works pretty much exactly how the newbie suggestion for subscribing one month to unlock retrains and bank/inventory slots worked, except now it's not a "trick" that requires you to acquire it at the optimal time to get the most out of it.
It unlocks 20 account bank slots, which are incredibly useful. (Not that the account bank doesn't just store items, but also EC).
You simply buy it once, and then you have an unlock for extra bank, inventory and bridge officer slots on every character on your account, even future ones. And it includes the EC Cap increase.
If you already maxed out bank and inventory slots on one character, you can supposedly not exceed the cap, but who is at the cap anyway? What's very useful for existing (lifetime) subscribers is that the benefits stack. (Again, you might still not be able to exceed the regular cap...)
Oh, and there are some retrain tokens in the mix. Haven't really looked how those work, because as a lifer, I got plenty of those usually.
Note: AFAIK, this is only available on PC. Sorry, console gamers. But at least you never need to worry about the EC Cap increase on console. You are already at maximum.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Its worse then that. Its not bank and inventory its bank or inventory or bridge officers any one at the cap and you cannot claim the 3 from the pack and lots of people are at the cap.
I did need it for the Gamma Recruit, who I also picked up some Ship and Drydock slots for as well.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Their loss and mine.
Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
Thanks would of missed that!