Just a small tidbit to help people that manage Fleet rosters. Cryptic, please add the ability to sort said roster by handles (i.e. Kirrok@STOgamer sorted together with BeardedRiker@STOgamer, etc) instead of what's currently ingame, i.e. character name. It's a PITA to track fleet player activity to weed out inactive players while not kicking out an active player's alt.
The ability to sort rosters by handles, to see ALL the characters the player has with the fleet would be immensely useful. The game already can tell us when was the last time the character was logged in, but grouping it all with
@handle sorting this makes it all convenient, EASY.
I was once in a fleet where I had to manage rosters, weeding out long inactive players, but had to be super careful about kicking out an active player's alt, which I ended up doing a few times. This was when Delta Rising hit years ago and it's still a thing today. When you have a large fleet this can be a pain to do.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
We come in peace, SHOOT TO KILL!
If you download the Fleet roster, @handles are their own column already, so if you load the file into your favorite spreadsheet, you can get exactly what you are looking for.
That being said, since it obviously already IS it's own column in the database, adding it as a column ingame should be easy at least one step closer to achievable already, right?
ETA: It didn't used to be it's own column, so I'd save the download as a "comma separated" doc, open it in a text editor, and replace all the @'s with commas. Import that into the spreadsheet, and PRESTO! I had a column I could sort by @handle with.
To the OP... it is absurd that the requested feature isn't already in the in-game UI, but then there are many absurd things about STO's UI.