So, based on the title, lets talk about what we learned from ViL
-The Dominion created the Fek'Ihri using Hur'q and Klingon DNA
-The Dominion is responsible for making the Hur'q go crazy by removing a certain fungus that created a Ketrecil-White like enzyme for the Hur'q.
-The Dominion is also responsible for sending the Hur'q on the ancient Klingons
-The Sword of Kahless is made from a Hur'q shell
-Martok paid Quark and Rom a lot to have the sword of Kahless seemingly stolen, and delivered to him.
-Dukan'Rex is planning something
-The Female Changeling hid the information about the Hur'q from the other Founders.
-The Female Changeling is now dead
Based on all this, I'm going to predict that Dukan'Rex is going to try to free the Jem'Hadar from the Founder's grasp after seeing how crappy they are, and Martok is going to use the Sword of Kahless to rally his people against the Hur'q.
I would be fine with that.
J'mpok needs to go, and while Martok is at it, he might as well take out Kagran.
Also confused on the Timeline for the Klingons. The Sword of Kahless is how old now? The Hur'q enslaved the Klingons I thought, not tried to destroy them outright? The Fek'Ihri were made by union of Hur'q and Klingon, so does this mean that Jem'hadar are actually closer to Klingon DNA than whatever species? Also the Fek'Ihri currently are more Klingon due to interspecies breeding? Where did they get their portal/whatever tech? Not even the Dominion has that...
I don't think so...
It seemed pretty strongly implied that she was the admiral the entire time and that the whole campaign to wipe out all those planets was a pre-emptive attempt to stop them from waking up and coming out of hibernation in the near future. How would the real admiral even have had that sort of info? It fits with the founder trying to cover her tracks. It also explains why the dominion wanted to rescue the admiral in the first place. Why else would she even transport to the planet in the form of the admiral in the first place if the purpose wasn't to show she was impersonating him the entire time?
I mean, if you assume that she was behind everything the tzenkethi were doing it does fit with the rest of her motives and behavior during ViL. She was covering her TRIBBLE the entire time
Indeed, it makes no sense if the Admiral was Tzenkethi when rescued. The next moment we saw him was the reveal. He did nothing in the expansion that would represent the Founder leveraging her position to influence Tzenkethi politics with respect to the Hur'Q. That was the entirety of last season (where the Tzenkethi took an inexplicable interest in the Hur'Q and resorted to methods which, at the Dominion's worst, are easily accepted [see. the Founders use of the Hur'Q and blockade of the Karemma].)
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
I wonder where the real Tzenkethi Admiral is? Whenever the Dominion replaced someone to TRIBBLE with another civilization in canon, they didn't usually kill the original.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius