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Collection of Bugs re: The 2800 Featured Series with ViL upgrades

sirboulevardsirboulevard Member Posts: 722 Arc User
edited June 2018 in Tribble - Bug Reports
This is a collection of Bugs noticed during Tribble replay of the 2800 featured series.

MISSION: Second Wave:

Garak and Rugan Skyl's Voice Overs Overlap in the conference Cutscene
  • Reproduction Steps: Progress to DS9 Conference Map and trigger cut scene.

During the Space Map Escape from Ds9 (final map), Ds9 has the same LOD issues that the social zone had.
  • Reproduction Steps: Reach Mission Stage Defend Deep Space Nine, fly away from station until LOD model is loaded (It will not load properly)

Old Loriss VO still present (as in not the rerecorded version by Michelle)
  • Reproduction steps: Reach the final cutscene where Kar'ukan murders Andrews.

MISSION: Operation Gamma:

Several of Weyoun's VO lines are not in
In the few places that Weyoun's VO is in, it is overlapping with Eraun's.
ALL of Eraun's Voice Over is in.

  • Reproduction Steps: Reach Weyoun's cutscenes in game.

DS9 model is the old Ds9 (probably requires total revamp due to the sensor nodules)
  • Reproduction Steps: Look at DS9 space model during first stage.

MISSION: Boldly They Rode:

Old Rapier Mission Played Dialogue (Non-VO) is still present and overrides default. No Weyoun VO to account for this (naturally)

  • Reproduction Steps: Play Boldly They Rode with an older character who had completed the "Rapier" mission prior to its removal. Upon first Dialogue interaction with Weyoun, depreciated Eraun dialogue about his "death" on the Rapier still appears. Weyoun is still called Eraun.

Old Loriss VO present (Not Michelle's rerecorded VO) in cutscene on the Jem'Hadar Battleship.
Karukan missing when Loriss hails him in the cutscene
Kurland's Chair on the USS Defiant disappears occasionally in the first cutscene on the Jem'Hadar Battleship

  • Reproduction Steps: Play mission through Hailing DS9 to tell Loriss to Stand down. Both issues present in that cutscene.

Weyoun & Female Changeling VO is of lower volume than other characters.
  • Reproduction Steps: Issue is most notable in the cutscene mentioned above, however, it is present through out the entire mission whenever Weyoun or the Female Changeling speaks.

Player does not "fly" in their EVA suit to the station in the cutscene when "boarding" the DS9 exterior.
  • Reproduction Steps: Reach point when you are asked to activate your EV Suit to begin the spacewalk on DS9 hull. Upon doing so, issue will present during Cutscene

EV Suits now display a flashlight object next to their heads when active.
  • Reproduction Steps: Issue is not specific to mission. Activate any EV Suit and a flashlight object will activate instead of the normal EV-suit static light source.

USS Enterprise still affected by Jem'Hadar Tractor Beam Repulsors in the "Another Ship is coming in! Its the Enterprise!" cutscene
USS Enterprise Bridge Crew standing on their chairs in Enterprise arrival cutscene.

  • Reproduction Steps: Play mission until the Enterprise arrival cutscene. First issue will present if a Jem'Hadar ship is in range to use Tractor Beam Repulsors (Random Chance). Second issue is present through out cutscene consistently.

DS9 suffers from same LOD problem as Second Wave in final battle.
  • Reproduction Steps: During the final Battle of Second Wave, fly away from the station until normal model is replaced with LOD version. This LOD model does not appear properly (same issue as Second Wave).

Boldly They Rode ends by dropping the player into the *OLD* Social Zone (as in not a mission map, but the final section takes place on Old DS9's social map instead of the new one. (Section: "Honor the Charge")
RELATED: If you beam up to DS9 Space and then back down to Nu!Ds9, you can finish the mission by talking to Kurland but cannot hail the Enterprise or the Dominion.

  • Reproduction Steps: Complete mission until you reach mission Objective "Honor the Charge" which asks you to talk to Kurland with optional objectives to hail the Enterprise and the Dominion.
  • NOTE: THIS IS NOT A MISSION MAP. This mission was designed and has functioned by dropping the player into the SOCIAL ZONE instance of Deep Space Nine.

Kurland VO for "Honor the Charge" is missing.
  • Reproduction Steps: Speak to Captain Kurland during "Honor the Charge." Jeremy's voice over for Kurland is missing.

TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
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