After the battle in orbit with the Hur'q, my ship is stuck in Red alert.
The Abort mission button is also unavailable.
... if only we still had Self-destruct.
EDIT: Naturally, 30 seconds after I post it (after I've been stuck for 5 minutes), it stops and I can finally finish it.
LTS Since Beta (Jan 2010).
Nope, Armistice. The mission where you go save Kai Opaka.
While I'm at it, the mission hail at the end, the text overlaps the UI, until you scroll:
"Engineered for War" arc - two extra Jemmy missions listed which are unplayable right now.
no i found out it's the jem'hadar starting missions
I found I couldn't access any new missions as any other species.
If you are, then I have no idea. /shrug
The game patched for me when I loaded it last night (about 1GB), and then it appeared.
"Engineered for War", which is the Dominion tutorial.
Hunt: the simulation on the planet
Ceremony: Where you get your white, and go to the Idran System and fight the swarmers (I think, swarmers might be part of the next one instead).
Turn The Tide: The alternative viewpoint for Syllia and Charbydis (sp)
Ah, that might have been it, I left the engines running as I was writing the OP, so I must have left the net afterwards.
Yea i was playing jem'hadar, but i didn't play before the ninja patch last night that's why
Have you tried equipping your kit on your character?