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Dominion ship interior - why the allied crew?

Just thought I'd bring this up, with ViL we're getting a nice new Dominion interior and it looks spot on, but, unfortunately there are a number of crew at stations and in the corridors from the faction you side with (fed/kdf) and it just kind of bugs me, the Romulans don't have to have this so why the Dominion?

Surely there's enough Jem'Hadar to fully crew the ships, Boffs i'd understand because if you recruited an Andorian then you should be able to see that Andorian but if your whole crew is Jem'Hadar why do we need Stafleet/KDF officers too.

I just want to know why and is this likely to change?



"As of this moment, we are all dead. We go into battle to reclaim our lives.
This we do gladly, for we are Jem'Hadar. Victory is Life!"


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