It came to me in a reverie. The upcoming expansion would be the *perfect* opportunity to revisit the seating and update the mechanics of that hero ship. It wouldn't even require a visual refresh (aside from that funky lettering on the starboard nacelle). I can't be the only one this occurred to so, I'll go back to my musing on more serious matters, confident that Cryptic's got this...
It is?
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Partially, it has the Lieutenant Commander Pilot seat of a common pseudo-pilot ship but not the unique abilities of a Pilot Escort.
Neither had the Kumari cruisers, yet here we are.
That makes it a perfect candidate for a cheap to implement DS9 lockbox ship as full pilot spec. They can one up it even more by including others from the pack that partial Defiant comes from so KDF and Rom's have access to a full pilot version as well.