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Fleet Mogh Battlecruiser build help.

rykus83rykus83 Member Posts: 124 Arc User
As the title says i'm flying a Fleet Mogh Battlecruiser as a engineer captain and was looking at either running Lukari Restoration Initiative Armaments 3 piece set with beams and the full Lukari Restoration Initiative Starship Technologies and filling my other weapon slots with more of the Piezo-Polaron Beam Array or using the Radiant Armaments full set and the Iconian Resistance Starship Technologies what i was wondering is which of the sets are better for survivability right now i'm just running disruptor beams and the bajoran defence set and consoles from the story missions, when a do pve ques like the breach i find i'm pulling threat most of the time and if i'm not fast enough with my abilities I'm blown up i want to be able to survive longer and i dont know if going the temp HP route from iconian weapons or the Protomatter Regenerative Influx from the lukari weapons are better and then what would be best equiped with either of those weapons to help improve them to get more out of there special proc abilities? any help would be well helpful :D Or if some has thoughts on a different type of tank/dps build for a f2p player thats only been playing full time sense august(so i dont got all the event and anniversary ships).


  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,230 Arc User
    A Fleet Mogh as an engineer should be able to take a reasonable beating. Just to check a few basics, under space traits have you got techie (hull repair), EPS manifold efficiency (power levels), and Grace under Fire (taking dmg resets miracle worker) selected? In your spec do you have 2 points in hull restoration and at least 1 point in hull plating? Looking at your ship's stats are most of your energy resists in the 25% or better range (achievable with 1 neutronium)?

    For hull heals you have miracle worker miraculous repairs, and your commander engineer station has room for Aux to SIF3, as well as ET2 or RSP1, and room for a HE2 on your lieutenant science so quite a few heals.

    You can add some durability with reputation traits (Nukara Tier 4 Auxiliary Power Defense Config is one that comes to mind) but am wondering if it's just practice or general setup holding you back as miracle worker miraculous repairs is a huge spike heal and you have access to two others. If anything with engineers I normally go more offensive given the innate heals and power levels available.

    Kobali 2 piece with the deflector is quite tankish from the storyline but have run your ship with a variety of sets, none that give temp HP. Do a quick check of the basics above first perhaps.

    Don't discount the fact that the reason you're pulling all the aggro is your dishing out far more damage than the rest of your team mates :smile:
  • rykus83rykus83 Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    is there any way to increase the 5% Protomatter Regenerative Influx for the Piezo-Polaron Beam Array or or a buff to it like with the 2 part of the Radiant Armaments set for the iconian anti proton weapons?
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,230 Arc User
    Some space sets do have the strength of their abilities based upon a in-game stat such as hull repair. The proc for the 2 piece assimilated set bonus Autonomous Regeneration Sequencer is based upon your hull restoration skill for example. This is a very tanky 2 pc set often overlooked that I use as a starter set quite often.

    A quick glance at either of the 2 space weapons sets you mentioned didn't bring up anything nor does any way to increase their heal come to mind. The radiant armaments does have a nice console in the sustained radiant field though. Another idea would be the the lockbox trait biotech patch which does increase hull healing abilities but not necessarily the regen of the weapons sets.

    Others may have a better idea of what mission reward set is best for a battle cruiser beyond my suggestion of the Kobali set for tank or a way to buff the weapons sets you mentioned. The Sol defense set is another that comes to mind. Have only fiddled with the Bajoran set with it's matching reward ship (as an engineer) and not having any issues.

    With a new toon at level 50 I used to go to a Kobali deflector, advanced fleet impulse implulse engines [Turn]x2 [Speed], and elite fleet resilient [ResB] shields, then replace the engines and deflector with the assimilated pieces asap as I work on my reputations towards other sets. I can tell you that the regen from the assim 2 pc is nothing to sneeze at and noticeable step up in tank despite it's age as compared to a mission reward set. Yes, most will tell ya this is an old TRIBBLE setup but it works. I use a balanced spec, NOT the tac ultimate on newer toons.

    My most recent engineer which is quite new went directly to a colony deflector, re-engineered to get rid of the drainX and add shield and hull cap, along with a colony shield combined with the same fleet engines mentioned for the additional Crit (deflector) and tactical readiness (shield). Less tank but more zing and just an experiment for the time being.

    As an eng in your ship pugging a lower end ISA (25-35K dps average players) combined with the antiquated 2 pc borg + fleet shield setup mentioned taking one third of teams parsed aggro doesn't seem difficult, with a record of over 90% complete with burning hull plating animation.

    I'm wondering if as you suggested it's not a case of needing more regen from a weapons set and more a case of being not fast enough with or timing your abilities (or perhaps a different mission reward space set as well). Also wondering about how your spec'd and your choice of boff abilities (and even active duty doffs). Again, just trying to keep to the basics, as survivability issues as an Engineer in a battle cruiser doesn't seem quite right.

    For what it's worth here's the starter spec I use for all my newer toons so that they may fly a variety of ships until they get settled into a role. It has most bases covered and has done 54.8K dps on a month old engineer. Adjust to taste or use it as a reference point for your own build. It can lose a lot of science (3-4 points) if that's not your focus.

    Universal Build

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