Good evening! I am posting this thread to bring up an issue that causes me some frustration when queuing for PvE events on the PS4. My issue is that the notification that a que is ready to go and needs you to accept, is very small and easy to miss, as well as not having any other kind of indicator that it is ready. (If I recall correctly, the PC version had an option to play a sound when the que was ready so you were made aware that you needed to accept or decline.)
On several occasions, I have had the "Accept or decline" notification appear while I was in my menu, or engaged in one of the random space encounters and have missed it because I either could not see the tiny "!" above my level number, or was distracted by enemy ships etc.
If possible, could some other options be included to make catching those PvE "Accept" notifications more readily apparent?
Suggestions include the "Hail" sound being played when the notification to accept pops up, or perhaps a small accept/decline window might pop up over your menu windows or on the screen during battle.
I'd like the audio cue to be added to console, that would certainly help immensely with all the issues you describe, but personally I think a better long term solution would be to convert the queue invite from "opt in" to "opt out". In other words, the system assuems that if you've been offered a place you're going to take it, and you must manually select "Pass" in order to cancel the invite instead of having to manually select one or the other (under the basic principle of "you selected the queue, so you must be intending to do it".
There would still need to be a clear on-screen indicator showing that the queue was about to start, and to give you a little time to get out of combat (the game won't move you to the PvE if you're in red alert mode), but a 30s "[queue_name] starts in 00:30s" display would probably handle much of that for you.
There would still need to be a clear on-screen indicator showing that the queue was about to start, and to give you a little time to get out of combat (the game won't move you to the PvE if you're in red alert mode), but a 30s "[queue_name] starts in 00:30s" display would probably handle much of that for you.