Now most weapons can be re-engineered for cd mods, what premium should 4 or 5 cd bring? In other words what are you willing to pay to have the re-engineering done for you?
Whats the premium for mk 14 over mk whatever?
So in the extreme case how much extra are people willing to pay for a mk 14 cdx5 epic beam array vs an any mod epic mk7? Right now that premium is being set really high and I'm not sure anyone is buying.
The difference you're seeing in prices between Mk VII and Mk XIV is caused by folks who don't think to look up lower mark yellows and only opt to buy the Mk XIV pieces.
cd = cooldown
if you mean Crit-D then write what you mean, or a large portion of those who read your words will not understand. This is an established community with longstanding abbreviations, you can't just make up your own on the fly, if you want to communicate successfully.
A polite correction would have sufficed.
Yeah that was over the top. It was literally just a misused abbreviation.
Your answer OP? Definitely not the labour-value theory of economics cited above - the value of these items is in their damage dealing ability, inferior damage is not of as much value as superior damage.
Before, you crafted hundreds of mk II weapons, and then discarded (via varying methods) the ones of suboptimal mods. You upgrade the remainder, and on UR, if they gained a suboptimal mod, you discarded them. But, if it gained a desirable mod, you then finished the process of taking it to mk xiv epic. This result, being the best weapon, carries a premium.
With re-engineering, any epic weapon that was a discard for failure before, can be made an optimal weapon. This, given adequate player response, will drive up supply of optimal weapons, and therefore drive down both the price and value gap of the original perfect mk xiv epic.
The actual numerical difference is still too early to say, but, if people aren't buying at too high a price, you lower the price to make the sale.
The problem with OVER and RAPID mods, they do not proc when FAW/CRF/CSV are on. That being said, I have several characters with full sets of CritDx4 Overs. And they are brutally effective, the shear number of overs that you can proc is just nuts. Its like getting hit by endless volley of energy damage HYT. Makes very effective single target damage. If they changed them to work with the boff powers they would become rather OP.
Pen is not the only good mod, but they could do with dumping pvp stuff and adding weapon haste or something else to make for more good exotic mods.
Why would anyone buy an Epic Mark XIV item? why pay for the mods? with re-engineering it's dirt cheap to just do it yourself.
All you have to do now is create a beam, cannon, whatever.. at Mark II Ultra Rare. Use an Omega Kit and an Accelerator during the upgrade weekend and just get it to Mark XIV Epic. You can get it most of the way without even using any Dilithum at all thanks to the Omega. You don't have to worry about the mods anymore, just get it to Mark XIV Epic and then re-engineer all the undesirable mods.
Personally, I wouldn't pay very much at all for high end weapons with good mods anymore. I don't know why anyone would. To answer the question though.. for a Mark XIV Epic with CrtDx4.. I wouldn't go anything over 10M EC and that would be just to save time if it had a PEN mod that I can't re-engineer.
I made a ton of high end weapons just today in about an hour, paying premium seems silly now. If you can get an item with Pen to Mark XIV Epic, you're set. There is no more need to keep crafting over and over trying to get the perfect mods, it's easy now.
100% agreed. However, have you seen some of the forum posters crying about the dilithium cost of re-engineering? I mean seriously, they're acting like it's some massive dilithuim sink. I can see how people would still overpay for stuff on the exchange considering the view points that they have posted.
^^ This! 'cd' seriously confused me initially.
While we're on the matter, though, Lord knows I'm no math-queen (and that is understating it, lol). But I've determined that [CrtD/Dm] [CrtD]x4 (or [CrtD]x3 [Pen], depending on the wep I have) is the best for me.
At fist I did [CrtH/CrtD], but since it's not unnormal for me to pull ca. 50% CrtH (in battle, as a Rom Tact), I figured 48% or 50% makes little difference, whereas CrtD = *damage*, so might as well have that one half of the Epic mod be Dm, fir an altogether high base-dmg.
Hehe; re-engineering is so dirt-cheap, I quickly re-engineered all my relevant stuff, before they change their mind.
And yes, ppl, it's ridiculously cheap. I used to pay upward of 100 mil for a good Epic wep. And now it just costs a small fraction of that, to get the exact same wep.
I bet ere long only weps with [Pen] in them will still have some marketable value: the rest will simply no longer be sold.
Cheapest 700k for mk 11 with bad mods, cheapest mk 2 1.5m
Cheapest mk 14 10m with bad mods
Cheapest epic 14m mixed mods
Cheapest mk14 epic with full CD( happy now) is 25m
Is 24m a reasonable benchmark? For pulse phaser the current premium is 34m, for delphic antiproton its 99m despite a CDx4 being 45m.
Cheapest normal AP beam array with pen 100k, cheapest mk 14 epic with pen 17m and a prety nice bargain mk 14 epic CDx4 with pen 20m.
I know it's not much of an answer.. but the 'reasonable benchmark' is strictly what people are willing to pay.
Ultimately, there will be players that don't realize that they could buy the mark 2, push it to epic and re-engineer the mods to their taste. Those people likely will pay what it takes until they realize how to do it cheaper. Personally, I don't think 24M is worth it and I wouldn't pay it.
You never need a beam array for tens of millions that you could make yourself for a fraction of the price. Fair enough if you have those fat stacks, but I don't so I take a more frugal approach.