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How do you all feel about random encounters?

So one of the things that bugs me about the game is that we are always on mission. We don't really go exploring. We get a mission we go where it tells us to go and then we go to the next one. I think a system that would put us in random situations would be very interesting. Quick 5 min missions or sometimes even longer. They would just happen as we travel.

Now since this is a game and people want to have a bit more control of things maybe we get a popup that asks if we want to investigate a strange signal or distress call and not just forcing us to do it would be a better way to do it.

They kinda do this with the systems you can explore but that still requires you to pick a point and go to it. Some of my favorite episodes of TNG were random encounters they had while on their way to do something completely different.

Some random encounters I would love to see could be on based things that have happened in the shows or completely new encounters.

-Random probe makes you live out another person's life.

-Perhaps you get pulled into a wormhole or just for laughs Q tosses you to the far side of the galaxy or into another galaxy all together.

-A portal opens and a ship form the past comes out of it. Different version of this could be done. Sometimes you may need to help the ship get back to it's time. other times you have to help them deal with being in a new time.

-A ship claims to need help. Sometimes it actually needs your help but sometimes.......

Dr. Miranda Jones: I understand, Mr. Spock. The glory of creation is in its infinite diversity.
Mr. Spock: And the ways our differences combine, to create meaning and beauty.

-Star Trek: Is There in Truth No Beauty? (1968)


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  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    Doesn't work in STO since you almost never have to travel anywhere. Always some transwarp or queue instant jump available. So you'd still have to "pick a point and go for it," even if the encounter itself was randomly selected.

    And whether such encounters would be worth going for, depends entirely on how interesting the content and the rewards would be. For reference, the so-called Exploration System they removed, failed that test badly.
  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    bwleon7 wrote: »

    -Perhaps you get pulled into a wormhole or just for laughs Q tosses you to the far side of the galaxy or into another galaxy all together.

    While it would be funny we'd also be attacked by sto's worst enemy type: LOADING SCREENS!

    Also that's mostly what the old exploration clusters were which got cut and never returned in a more "up to standards" form.
  • eltecheltech Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    It was before my time, but from what I've read, the old deep space encounters used to actually chase you down and pull you in :#
  • feralaffferalaff Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    Well, i would like some sandbox / random encounters too.
    Also random generated planets with a random encounter.
    It would be a good way to play & enjoy & gather resources without always doing the same STF queues.

    It could also be something like the red alerts, call it "fleet emergency call". We press the button and a random mission with encounters is generated.
  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    Having only recently started acknowledging the Deepspace Encounters, and thoroughly enjoying them (more than other Red Alert Queues) I'd love to see more Random Encounters ^_^ Encounters allow one to interract with the game, without having to constantly repeat mission content, like some Barclay-esque holodeck addict :sunglasses:
    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

    "I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,771 Arc User
    eltech wrote: »
    It was before my time, but from what I've read, the old deep space encounters used to actually chase you down and pull you in :#

    They were fun when you were in the mood for them. But they were just some simple pew-pew-pew kill x badguys so even less variety than with a queue or patrol mission.

  • psiameesepsiameese Member Posts: 1,650 Arc User
    eltech wrote: »
    It was before my time, but from what I've read, the old deep space encounters used to actually chase you down and pull you in :#

    At the lower levels, those were the most fun. Bear in mind we didn't have near the speed bonuses available then as we have now. Auto navigating wasn't always the smartest way to get to you next planet. And don't you dare take a bio break while on course. When ya came back you might not have a ship. Due to the Klingon K't'inga that tracked you and popped the encounter. Some player's bemoaned this to the point that it was taken out. Could such encounter's have been less generic? Sure. But the basic concept kept you on your toes.
    (/\) Exploring Star Trek Online Since July 2008 (/\)
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  • usskentuckyusskentucky Member Posts: 402 Arc User
    Ahhhh! AdmiralFishFace!
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    The old exploration clusters were basically that. A shame they cut them out and never replaced them with something more sophisticated.

    Yeah, they weren't spectacular, but did offer some 'randomness'. You either killed things or ran around scanning things. You were on a random-ish map with random-ish enemies at random-ish locations. The scanning thing was as close as we got to exploration.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    The old exploration clusters were basically that. A shame they cut them out and never replaced them with something more sophisticated.

    Yeah, they weren't spectacular, but did offer some 'randomness'. You either killed things or ran around scanning things. You were on a random-ish map with random-ish enemies at random-ish locations. The scanning thing was as close as we got to exploration.
    The scanning things was not exploration. Exploration would have been having the players in an unknown area and finding our own things of interest. Those maps were obviously already known to whoever gave us orders, so they could send us to scan specific objects. IOW, someone else did the exploring and left us the follow-up.

    And not even interesting follow-up. You know in an actual Star Trek episode, those random things we scanned would never have turned out to be just something to write a report on and leave. There'd be mysteries, dangers and dead redshirts.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    eltech wrote: »
    It was before my time, but from what I've read, the old deep space encounters used to actually chase you down and pull you in :#
    Worst was CE since it liked to lurk near Memory Alpha and you had to go there to craft stuff.

    Yes, it used to be a DSE.... And almost unkillable since most players had no idea what to do to kill it.

    SOME of the old Exploration missions were neat... most were lame and boring.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • lostyuslostyus Member Posts: 208 Arc User
    I'd really love random encounters to be added, I'd actually stop transwarping to places if they were added.

    ok, everyone might not use them but it would add variety to the game.

    They wouldn't even need to be too complicated, just as you're travelling have a pop-up as mentioned above with either 'investigate' or 'escape/ignore'
  • ironmakoironmako Member Posts: 770 Arc User
    I think they should have what they have in DC Universe. An option that allows them to select as a PvP or PvE player. That way the PvP'ers can carry on against NPC's etc, and PvPers would have the peril and risk of being randomly attacked by players from an opposing faction, and all can hang out in the same universe.
  • maniac20#5251 maniac20 Member Posts: 263 Arc User
    ironmako wrote: »
    I think they should have what they have in DC Universe. An option that allows them to select as a PvP or PvE player. That way the PvP'ers can carry on against NPC's etc, and PvPers would have the peril and risk of being randomly attacked by players from an opposing faction, and all can hang out in the same universe.

    WoW has the same system.

    But to be on topic with the war between the KDF/FED/Rom's being pretty much officially over I don't how a selectable pvp/pve option would work now.
  • ussvaliant#6064 ussvaliant Member Posts: 1,006 Arc User
    Random encounters I have no problems with. RNG I have a whole bag of whoop TRIBBLE saved up to take out on RNGebus

    Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
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