I have been absent from the game for almost a year now. I just came back to game expecting to see a whole lot of new missions for me to do. I saw there were a total of 3 new missions. But they released almost 2 new ships and I think 2 new lockboxes with their own ships and other junk.
If they spent half the time on as they spend on ships and other junk they could really make more missions, more stuff to do.
I am a little bit disappointed. I really wanted more. Anyway, I am going to go play those three new missions and socialize with these folks I have not talked to in such a long time. Toodles.
Missions = happiness
money > happiness
Are you referring to the cookie cutter reputation and fleet expansion?
Also, you are wrong, I was missed by a bunch of people, the chat said it all, and I missed them while I was away. Speak for yourself only.
OP you left for whatever reason before. Now instead of doing the right thing by your mates, you're in here making a spectacle of yourself hoping someone thinks you're important enough they've sat there pining away night after night missing you. A real friend does not do such things to friends. Play or not. Stay or not. But asking your game friends or mates to give you a reason to come back is a very shabby way to treat them.