Cardassians seem to be second class citizens as far as STO is concerned. The Romulan Republic is doing better than the Cardassians and the Romulans had their homeworld destroyed and had to exist as a bunch of farmers with the Tal Shiar abducting their colonies.
The Cardassians' story has been told though, in DS9. The Romulan's story hasn't, so the devs had plenty of legroom to make new stories up (plus the Romulan story was central to the Iconian arc ie: most of the game so far).
Not the aftermath of the attack and trying to rebuild their civilization from devastation. The episode that had the Dominion devastate Cardassia and kill over 800 million Cardassians is the Series Finale. The only instances that cover the aftermath of the Battle of Cardassia is certain Star Trek novels and the Path to 2409 and the True Way in STO.
To be fair, the "Cardassian Struggle" arc was really all over the place with what it wanted to be. "You're gonna fight the True Way and make things better on Card- oh hey, the Terrans! Defend your universe from the terrors of the Ter- Oh, I guess we're gonna talk about the Borg now- oh hey, the Dominion!"
> @warpangel said:
> azrael605 wrote: »
> > @pilot99 said:
> > Just missed the Temporal Agent event when I got back to the game. Time gated content is a pain..
> And yet every MMO in the world has time gated exclusive content.
> Yes, well, every baby in the world poops their pants. That's hardly a reason not to try to do better.
Thats not even remotely an equivalent comparison. An actual equivalency would be something like "All grocery stores charge money for food".
You are claiming Lost Forever content is a functional requirement for MMORPGs? Obviously false.
> @warpangel said:
> azrael605 wrote: »
> > @warpangel said:
> > azrael605 wrote: »
> >
> > > @pilot99 said:
> > > Just missed the Temporal Agent event when I got back to the game. Time gated content is a pain..
> >
> > And yet every MMO in the world has time gated exclusive content.
> >
> >
> >
> > Yes, well, every baby in the world poops their pants. That's hardly a reason not to try to do better.
> Thats not even remotely an equivalent comparison. An actual equivalency would be something like "All grocery stores charge money for food".
> You are claiming Lost Forever content is a functional requirement for MMORPGs? Obviously false.
No I am making the absolutely true statement that expecting STO to not operate under industry standard methods is ridiculous.
Cardassian is the most requested faction, but a Cardassian/Dominion 'faction' would give more options.
But then the Cardassian's would just be a species selection of the Dominion and not have their own ships to choose from per leveling, they would be handled much like how the Gorn are handled with the KDF and have only a handful of c-store ships to choose from and none of their own outfits. Personally that is not something which I desire at all, and I have next to no interest in the Dominion.
Cardassian is the most requested faction, but a Cardassian/Dominion 'faction' would give more options. Cryptic could have it setup so that Odo is trying to provide reparations for destroying a good portion of Cardassia during the Dominion War.
Cardassians seem to be second class citizens as far as STO is concerned. The Romulan Republic is doing better than the Cardassians and the Romulans had their homeworld destroyed and had to exist as a bunch of farmers with the Tal Shiar abducting their colonies.
A Cardassian and/or Dominion faction won't happen considering that all of their iconic ships are available via lockbox/lobi/promo save the Hideki and the classic Jem Hadar Warship/Battlecruiser. You can't make a FED/KDF or eve Romulan mini faction with that kind of setup.
As previously stated in multiple threads, the best that can be hoped for is a TOS-FED style expansion for Cardassians with a small number (maybe 5) story missions with a free T1 ship at the end of which, your Cardassian joins the Federation and/or KDF.
The only question at that point is what's the ship mega bundle that would be released? Cardassian and Jem'Hadar ships won't be put in the C-Store so there would probably just be new Federation and KDF ships released that use some Cardassian integrated technology or some other lame tie in.
When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
There's no real reason why they can't redo the Cardassian ships as future versions, and it's only one ship and its previous version which was made available through lockboxes.
I came late to STO, but have been an active player since I am started. I am bummed that I missed this and I do hope they bring it back as an optional thing. I think the best idea would be to add it as a C-Store item per additional character (someone said 2000 Z per new Delta Recruit [This better include a toon Slot]) or include it as part of the Delta Rising - Operations Pack witch I did purchase. I can see this as being a bit tricky to implement, but at the same time not really becuse if people still have Delta Recruit that are unfinished and it still an option for them, then that means people are still running the Delta Recruit right now!
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
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Not the aftermath of the attack and trying to rebuild their civilization from devastation. The episode that had the Dominion devastate Cardassia and kill over 800 million Cardassians is the Series Finale. The only instances that cover the aftermath of the Battle of Cardassia is certain Star Trek novels and the Path to 2409 and the True Way in STO.
As previously stated in multiple threads, the best that can be hoped for is a TOS-FED style expansion for Cardassians with a small number (maybe 5) story missions with a free T1 ship at the end of which, your Cardassian joins the Federation and/or KDF.
The only question at that point is what's the ship mega bundle that would be released? Cardassian and Jem'Hadar ships won't be put in the C-Store so there would probably just be new Federation and KDF ships released that use some Cardassian integrated technology or some other lame tie in.
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