I'm a casual Free to Play, player currently because of a fixed income. I've been playing STO for a couple of years now, off and on, with a 6-year-old laptop. The first character I started was a Romulan Republic Tactical officer, who went Federation aligned, and I was able to get him to level 60. Still have the level 50+ Episodes to do, and the reputation stuff, while helping out my fleet with stuff.
However, I'm running into a situation where I have a lot of mix-match gear, of various rarity of an appropriate level, but I am getting my backside handed to me in both Space and Ground missions. PvE and PvP group missions are really bad because of the laptop, and the gear, so I've focused mainly on Solo PvE stuff. I just recently got a Promo Code that had the Adv Officer Training stuff, and made a new character. I'm finding having better gear, is making a lot of difference.
So, my question is this. As a Casual Player, with the restrictions of a old laptop to play on, what's the best course of action in order to obtain better gear, and hopefully be a better fleet mate?
.Gear is kinda meh but I do have some decent AP beam arrays your welcome to have.There are some good gear in later missions that is worth doing (Space and Ground).. Love the Newest Romulan and Nakul ground gear.
Ill be on in an hour. @odinforever20000 If that works for you.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
I'm a casual player that has 100s of games quite literally across many systems, just biting off more than I can chew I guess, anyway STO is pretty intelligent compared to most other games which just seem like button mashers after STO, this game actually makes you think in quests, using real problem solving skills, its awesome, I'm wondering as a casual player that somehow made it to commander or around there I take months off from playing this game cause I'm interested some other one, what are some fundamental parts of the game that I should look at as something I can do when I log on? I find myself just kinda exploring about, its pretty complicated and I don't really get the big picture of the story of what I'm doing in game, also what are some must see/ do things that a STO player should be working on or doing to get ahead and catch up to fleet mates?
thank you :) have a good morning!
You mentioned catching up to your fleet mates, so if you're not already doing them, I would recommend the Daily Fleet assignments offered by the Officer of the Watch at fleet holdings like the Fleet Research Station, the Fleet Starbase, the Fleet Embassy, the Fleet Dil Mine, K13, and at the Academy. Then after those are completed and if your char is of sufficient rank, maybe run some R&D, Admiralty, and Duty Officer assignments, all that usually takes me about 20 mins per character. Then if you are up to it you could go do some mining at the dilithium mines (fleet and vlugta), and if your fleet is working on the new Dranuur Colony you can help out by doing the hourly assignments there to gather provisions (playing simple mini games) like batteries, ore, coral, care for plants at the greenhouse, or even mix a few drinks ;-) Hope that helps at least a little. LLAP
Also you need traits and spec points now aswell as gear so make sure u've equiped what u have of these.
The winter event starts in a few days and the pve and pvp races are easily done(unless u rubberband too much, but even then they can sometimes be done). The pve race will get u a t6 ship if u don't already have one and will come with a trait if u need it. The pvp race will get u winter epohhs to turn in for rep points(or fleet ).
Also the anniversary event will be not long after the winter event finishes and prob another ship/trait and keep you fingers crossed for the omega event for good gear lvling to get your gear to 13's or 14's.
Add free console from Butterfly and perhaps Trellium-D console for extra crits, ctritD, aux power, shield hardness, shield power, damage resistance and hull cap.
Thats half your consoles and four weapon slots sorted.
Use engine and deflector from sol defense set for extra aux and shield power and damage resistance. Add best shield. later on think about fleet or rep set.
If the ship allows use auxtodamp1 and a blue or purple antimatter doff, your ship now moves well and has a huge damage resistance boost.
Players talk about eps, which is the measure of you ship's ability to move power around, how to get more cheaply: Buy a purple low mark plasma-integrated core and choose one that have a mod like s>a as these just gift you more power, these can cost a few thousand. Run the Beyond the Nexus mission and collect the console.
These two things give as much eps as one and a half mk14 epic eps consoles
What these freebies do is give:
more power to your systems, everything a ship does needs power
more killing power in straight damage boosts, criD and critH and armour penetration
bigger shields and more damage resistance
Add tac consoles, ideally fleet ones with extra crits
Depending on ship there will be a mix of sci and eng console slots. If you have a couple of million ec the plasmonic leach is handy. RCS consoles are good.
There you have a budget blow stuff up and stay alive skeleton that can be put on most ships. Green mk 12 disruptor beam can be had for 20k.
Then optimise for a given ship, boff powers and other gear you have.
For each faction get good cheap boffs: fed use humans as they boost ship healing; kdf nausicaans boost damage; roms superior operative traits for extra crits and a superior infiltrator reman if possible. The space potato adds damage like a nausicaan:
Ground: get good armour and shields, the freebie romulan navy and nakhul sets are both great
Get gun that fits your preferences.
Kit frame. Purple mk 12 kit frames are cheap, if you do most of your damage by shooting get one that boosts gun damage. if you do mostly kit based damage get a kit frame with the kperf mod.
Kit modules are an aspect of the game that has seen the release of a lot of new toys over the years from events, specialisations and lockboxes. Some will be pricier than others. Right now lockbox things are cheap as the market is flooded following the cheap keys.
There are so many kits its difficult to say get this or that, it also depends on your budget, unlocks and how you like to play.
In the R&D get kit to level 15, this unlocks a very nice ground trait that adds 100 kperf when a kit is activated.
Buy a gambling device if possible.
Hello, I'm a noob in this game and it seems that I'm not able to pick up proper missions for my level. I'm at 15, but there is some years since the last time I played, so I don't remember most of the game. The thing is, I want to do some missions alone, but I don't know where to get them. I know there is a button that says 'Hail starfleet', but they give me mostly tutorial missions there.
Where should I go?
Try and follow the story-path narrative. Leveling is fastest that way. Experience the story all the way and repeat missions when needed. It's rewarding to an extreme point, especially for set items. Some of the best items essential in top end builds are taken from mission rewards.
Group-only content is entirely optional, and much of it is underused these days, sadly. You access that through the Queue UI icon on the bottom pane of the minimap, between the Duty Officer UI icon and the Fleet UI icon. There are a lot of oprions in there, but you can basically always count on being able to get into Red Alerts for Borg and Tholians, at least.
What are your Captains skill assignments?
What ships do you prefer to fly? Cruisers, Escorts or Science? What ship are you currently flying.
On that ship, what are your Bridge Officer skill assignments? How are you invoking them?
Finally, what equipment do you have on the ship?
Then we can give some general - and somewhat simplistic - advice:
For example - if you have a cruiser:
* All your weapon slots should be Beam Arrays.
* All a single damage type.
* All your available Tactical consoles should be +damage to your chosen damage type.
Your Captain skills should include (as and when you have the level to take them)
* things related to energy flow
* Probably all of the Tactical tree except Projectile weapon training.
* Science and Engineering things that improve your ships hull and shield survivability.
Your bridge officers should try to pick from these skills first:
* 1 or 2 ideally copies of Tactical Team I, as these guys dynamically rebalance your shields.
* Beam Fire at Will, Beam Overload, Attack Pattern Beta or Omega.
* Polarize hull, Hazard Emitters, Transfer Shield Strength
* Engineering Team, Emergency Power to Shields, Emergency Power to weapons, Directed Energy Modulation
Ideally you would use keybinds to trigger TT as often as possible, and likewise arrange the skills into a set of offensive skills that boost your weapon damage, and defensive skills, that repair hull and shields.
Polarize Hull is your one offensive skill that casts off any tractor beams, other than that you can be relatively indiscriminate about your defensive skills, triggering them as they cool down and your shields and hull are damaged.
A final group of discretionary offensive skills - science & tac skills that effect a target get prime position on your actionbar so you can hammer on a selected target.
(Your weapons should *all* be set to autofire, and Spacebar (the default keybind) initiates combat.)
The goal here is to pick skills that do not take effort to use. All the offensive skills i've listed simply boost the damage of your weapon system over time. The defensive skills likewise, if you are taking damage in combat use any and all that are on cooldown.
Similarly, if you prefer to fly escorts, much of the advice is the same, but swap the beam arrays for Dual Heavy Cannons on the front (the 45 degree arc ones iirc), use Cannon Scatter Volley and Cannon Rapid Fire in place of Beam Fire at Will and Beam Overload. On the back you would ultimately get 360 degree turrets or 360 degree beams (things like the kinetic cutting beam eventually).
Science ships I can't help you with, other than to say, with energy weapons you concentrate on energy flow & energy buffs to raise weapon power levels and so definitely fly with the "Attack" energy preset.
With Science ships you need high Aux power, so its a good idea to use Torpedos as your principal weapon system (they're not buffed by high weapon system power levels, or, conversely not debuffed by low weapon system power levels) so you would have a much smaller investment in the tac tree, and a lot more in Science.
Lastly, as covers your gear, as a F2P player on a budget you will want to level your crafting skills so you can make and upgrade your own weapons.
But Episode rewards will be the bulk of your early gearing choices. This page has the big list of ship equipment that you can get from episode content: https://sto.gamepedia.com/Episode_replay With special mention given to the unique consoles: Console - Engineering - Polaric Modulator, Console - Science - Temporally Shielded Datacore and Console - Engineering - Trellium-D Plating
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9IvAiN_7uU Heres a playthrough for that mission..
Sorry about the STO jargon..It is necessary with SO much stuff in this game.At the very least...I'll be in 5pm PST if you add me and I will wipe stuff out and show you the ropes. my user name is @odinforever20000 Ill find you.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
> Heres a playthrough for that mission..
> Sorry about the STO jargon..It is necessary with SO much stuff in this game.At the very least...I'll be in 5pm PST if you add me and I will wipe stuff out and show you the ropes. my user name is @odinforever20000 Ill find you.
I am using a Tier 5 ship. I have two...a B'Rel refit, and a light cruiser.
How do I add you Odin?
Just add me as a friend @tlantmagnus#1746 when your in game. Ill see it and accept. Then message add soon as I get in..Prolly tonight.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.