Any tactics or something I am missing here? My damage against the Tzenkethi on my science character is absolutely dismal... Ticking off 1 to 200dmg with everything fired off and it never seems to break into the DPS I am used to on other NPC. Even with all my resist debuffs I sit there on a single mob doing nothing but scratches for several minutes. On my tac however I smoke them... I see other science ships dropping good dmg down on them but don't see what they have different than me (through parser). Any tips?
The ships can also buff each other in close proximity. Try to kill the buffing support ships first and avoid at all cost to promote close proximity between threm over gravity wells.
My favorite sci powers against them are Tykens Rift, Destabilizing Resonance Beam an Structural Analysis launched from a front side attack.
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Yea on all foes gravity wells are the basis to deliver good sci DPS. On Tzenkethi however they get quiet counterproductive the moment support ships are pulled in too. On the respective PvE I just exchange them with tykens to avoid that.
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Add in the tougher shields on the flanks and they can be really a pain in the TRIBBLE to take down.
If you need to fight a group of their ships, concentrate on the cruisers first, those are the buffers, then take down the (hopefully alone) battleship. The fighters and escorts are not really too much of an issue, and not too dangerous on their own, i tend to ignore them.
I find drain attack work well on them, they can;t buff each other nearly so well when running on empty. An alternative that is barely ever used which i have good fun with is shutdowns like Viral Matrix. I know everyone says it's useless because it does no damage or whatever but when fully doff'd so it jumps to nearby ships and multiple systems it can really mess up a Tzenkethi day. A battleship is no worry if it has no engines, shields and its weapons are all offline!
Without the Gravity Well, this simply gets a lot less effective. I haven't really found the ideal build yet, though you can get passable results if you just limit the use of the Gravity Well and accept the other powers will be abi less effective. But you might want to get creative with other abilities. One key thing to remember is to stay in the front firing arc, though.
I think overall the Tzenkethi design was a pretty good idea to force science vessel captains out of their standard procedures and test whether there actually good alternatives to the science standard powers. I am not sure yet the latter is the case, though, but I must admit that I really haven't played enough lately to really give a final verdict.