Game seems pretty quiet. Maybe it's just me. How have your experience been for this new season? I think only an expansion into the Gamma Quadrant would make sto super busy.
You'll probably have to wait until summer(US) next year for anything major to come along, as that is the announced time for the next expansion.
I've only been logging in to one char each day to get the free Phoenix boxes from Onna on DS9, so I don't see much of the broad spectrum of STO content, but it doesn't seem completely dead. Plenty of other people standing around waiting for there free stuff there. Also, the Colony project stuff for the Fleet I'm in is getting filled, so that's a bit of activity that's happening out of the way, since you apparently have to run mini-games on the Fleet Colony map to actually fill those assignments. Also, when I ran the new mission a few days ago, Beta Quad chat was filled with Gorn 'puns', so people were still there.
Even though this is not a x.5 season there's not really alot to do. A few new grinds for colony resources, and that's about it. Not a new place to go explore or anything. You can do all the new content in one afternoon.
I think they are just constantly incrementing seasons to serve as a marketing gimmick to try to trick people into thinking there is new content beyond a mission every few months. But I think it's going to backfire because it makes seasons meaningless when there is no real new content.
I can’t confirm the quietness. My FL is as full of actives as ever, fleet roster looks healthy and DPS metal channels are talkative due to Diamond event.
Given the quality of the new release I’m wondering why this is case but the season is not even one week old so it’s too early to tell if it works out.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Further, I've not had any trouble to play the new queues. Plenty of players in those as well. The social zones were quite busy from what I've seen. I could even play Infected ground and KAGA again yesterday so I'm happy, naturally
The only instance that seemed more quiet than usual was Defera. But that may simply have been due to the timing. I have noticed less Tzenkethi ships than we saw with previous lockboxes, but that's also a trend that has been going on for a while (never really seen many Son'a ships either to be fair) and it doesn't tell us much about the amount of players in the game, overall.
I think they are just constantly incrementing seasons to serve as a marketing gimmick to try to trick people into thinking there is new content beyond a mission every few months.
I don't see where this is coming from. Have you ever itemized season content? There've certainly been seasons with less content (and only one that 14 isn't on track to beating, though that arguably came at a cost to AoY) and the progression doesn't follow a linear decrease. Seasons 6 for example shipped with no new episodes and Season 9 (in it's entirety) had one. Season 13? Three (plus customary system updates and PVEs). Season 12? Two.
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
I've only been logging in to one char each day to get the free Phoenix boxes from Onna on DS9, so I don't see much of the broad spectrum of STO content, but it doesn't seem completely dead. Plenty of other people standing around waiting for there free stuff there. Also, the Colony project stuff for the Fleet I'm in is getting filled, so that's a bit of activity that's happening out of the way, since you apparently have to run mini-games on the Fleet Colony map to actually fill those assignments. Also, when I ran the new mission a few days ago, Beta Quad chat was filled with Gorn 'puns', so people were still there.
Given the quality of the new release I’m wondering why this is case but the season is not even one week old so it’s too early to tell if it works out.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Further, I've not had any trouble to play the new queues. Plenty of players in those as well. The social zones were quite busy from what I've seen. I could even play Infected ground and KAGA again yesterday so I'm happy, naturally
The only instance that seemed more quiet than usual was Defera. But that may simply have been due to the timing. I have noticed less Tzenkethi ships than we saw with previous lockboxes, but that's also a trend that has been going on for a while (never really seen many Son'a ships either to be fair) and it doesn't tell us much about the amount of players in the game, overall.
Sounds good.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!