The title says it all. I've been in three fleets now and I've never played with anyone. I joined this game a long time ago with the thought of playing with and against real people. So if you are active and would like to build a fleet from the ground up(it would be hard but fun) or if you are a young fleet with active players message me here or ingame at Luther@blabberbottom and we can chat.
Our armada is L700+, so your toons will get the maximum bonus and most of our fleets were fully leveled before the new holding came out - and we are completing those projects daily.
You can contact me at Deemer@GDeemer for an invite, if you do, I will invite you within 24 hours (assuming you are not in a fleet) and then you will have an invite pop up the next time you log in.
Fleet Admiral
Mechanized Dragons