I just found out the hard way that the special "0718 Bridge Officer" that I purchased with the Temporal Agent Pack is NOT reclaimable if you discard the bridge officer from you inventory before assigning him to your crew.
I didn't have an open bridge officer slot when I took 0718 from the C-store, and when I later ran out of inventory slots I had to discard 0718 (I thought, "I'll just reclaim him later when I can afford to buy more bridge crew slots). When I went back to reclaim my 0718 to add him to my crew I discovered that the option was greyed out with red text that says, "You can only acquire '0718 Bridge Officer' once per character."
This bridge officer should be reclaimable if you don't currently have that bridge officer in your crew ... just like the "Holo Leeta" bridge officer or the "Borg Bridge Officer Preorder" promotion that I got with my Amazon pre-order way back in the day.
Players paid real money to get this bridge officer ... and there needs to be a way to reclaim it if it isn't already part of our bridge crew.
In the immortal words of Captain Sisko: "It may not be what you believe, but that doesn't make it wrong."
Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.