Live Stream Date: September 30th, 2017
Episode 17
Hosts: Winters, Rikers and James
Hello Captains and welcome to the Priority One Armada Live Stream. Broadcasting live via Twitch on Saturday, the 30th of September, 2017. On this week’s show it is Q Night. We will be battling in various space and ground Q’s.
But first, we will have our weekly Roundtable chat at the Dabo Table. In this part of our show, we discuss the latest Star Trek Online and Priority One Armada News and highlight some of the outstanding members within the Armada. After the Roundtable, we will beam down for our weekly “Away Mission” where we will be teaming up with you, the viewers.
During this weeks show we also gave away a number of "Galaxy Ship Bundle" packs. Join us each week cause you never know when we will do more great giveaways like this.
If you not a member of the Priority One Armada and want to be stay in touch with us you can join the Priority One Chat channel by typing in the chat box → /channel_join priorityone ← and then hit the [Enter] key.
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Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast. Get a new episode every Friday by pointing your favorite podcast app to
And if you’re interested in joining any of the Priority One Armada fleets simply head over to and sign up today. We have fleets on both the Fed and KDF factions ranging from Tier 3 level 21 to Tier 5 Level 65 so you can be sure we have fleet that suits your needs.
Opening/Closing Video
Song - Ghost Warrior.
NCM Epic Music Ender Guney
No Copyright Free Music
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