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Old Player Questions

rykus83rykus83 Member Posts: 124 Arc User
I've not played sense they put romulans in so 3 years or more. With Star Trek Discovery was thinking I might dust of the old Captains chair any maybe giver ago should i just start a new character or keep playing any i may have still on the go? and which group if I start fresh star fleet klingon's (are they still manly pvp oriented missions was back when i played?) or Romulans? there's only 3 playable factions right? Oh and when a did play its not like a played a huge amount think i only made it to captain.


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  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    Admittedly, I haven't had time to play myself for about a year, but I'd say it depends on how much you want to experience new content. The Klingons now have a full PVE mission progression (still merge's with Starfleet and Romulans eventually), there's the C23rd Starfleet, which is fun, but you're thrown into regular 2409 play at level 10, then there's the Romulans if you haven't played them yet. Most of the other content is universally available, so I'd say pick whichever early gameplay experience/aesthetic you prefer.
  • rykus83rykus83 Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    Is there any type of build i should be doing for a tactical officer (gonna try Tos stuff 1st did an andorian) like what skills are pointless to take or once that are awesome and I'd be dumb not taking them?
  • alexmakepeacealexmakepeace Member Posts: 10,633 Arc User
    edited September 2017
    The biggest thing you missed out on was April 1, when the devs enabled "artisanal sounds" and all the sound effects were replaced with people saying "pew pew pew!" "Ka-BLOW! "EXPLOSION!" "PBBBBBT!" etc. It was perfect for playing super-dramatic missions!
  • rykus83rykus83 Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    I was wondering if i should redo my sub so far it doesn't seem to hamper you as much as Champions online playing FTP?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    Nah, you don't need to sub. If you are a previous subscriber, you still get access to most subscriber benefits, and even those are not all that necessary.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,509 Arc User
    STO is even more generous than CO with the Silver accounts. There are a few Gold perks, but not enough to consider a FTP player as being "hampered".

    When the Romulans were introduced, proper leveling was also introduced for Klingons - you start at level 1, as third officer of a BoP, then in the tutorial wind up taking command after killing the captain for dereliction of duty. You're then sent on a series of faction-specific leveling missions, just like a Fed toon; the faction storylines converge briefly at Drozana and its time-travel adventure, then separate again as your Klink deals with an apparent resurgence of the ancient Fek'Ihri threat.

    Romulans are considered by some to be an "incomplete" faction, because at level 10 your captain has to choose to ally with either the Klingon Empire or the Federation. This is due to the nascent Romulan Republic's delicate position in the quadrant; while D'tan's major concern is, of course, an attack by the Tal'Shiar, he also wants to make sure that neither of the galactic superpowers in the area has any reason to regard his people as a potential danger. He's trading technology with both groups, and not officially allying with either side - instead, his fleet is pretty much evenly divided between the two. It's largely a matter of flavor until well into the game, however; whether you're carrying DOffs from Starfleet or the KDF, you'll still be dealing primarily with Romulan matters until after the Battle of Mol'Rihan.

    There's also a 23rd-century Starfleet "faction", introduced with the "Agents of Yesterday" update; primary distinction is that you'll start off with a Pioneer-class light cruiser, you'll have a different tutorial (revolving around the effects of Na'khul temporal invasions - you'll get to know Daniels pretty well), and by the time you get jumped to the 25th century and start the regular Fed missions beginning with rescuing SS Azura, you'll be ten levels higher than regular Fed characters, which means you get to do those missions in a Tier 2 ship, making them remarkably easy. :smile: Oh, and as a reward for starting such a toon, you get TOS uniforms, and after the TOS toon hits lvl 10 you'll be able to put TOS heads on your Klingon and Gorn toons as well (and a TOS Klingon uniform, although it lacks the little collar tabs from the original).

    See you around the galaxy!
  • antonine3258antonine3258 Member Posts: 2,391 Arc User
    I think with the Steamrunners available and with the occasional Phoenix pack promotion, everything from events you missed is available given sufficient time/dilithium or money/Zen.

    I don't think I've seen it listed, but it can be worth starting a new char to get your feet wet back into the mechanics and go through the tutorials.
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